"Being confident in this very thing, that He who has began a good work in you, will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God;" Philippians 4:6
I found these Bible verses so amazing and right direct to my heart, and I wanted to share them with you... In my case the first verse fits me perfect, although I know I am saved from my past, present and future cause Jesus Christ die in the cross for me and by His grace and mercy is that if I die today or tomorrow I have full confidence I am His and I will be with him. However, if there is something I am afraid in life, I am afraid of myself and the foolish decisions sometimes I take, and I am afraid that by those decisions imposing my will and not His that I may walk away from His path; but, this first verse tell us that the good work that He has started on us will be completed, and God always fills his promises and that gives me peace, assures me that He will help me and won't let me go astray, that He will finish the good work He has started with me... isn't that awesome? He is so loving and fill with His mercy that even though we make mistakes all the time and sin badly, He is there and He will not quit on us, He loves us so much that He will keep working in our lives, like a piece of fine wood art, He will keep sharpening, cutting, and forming a new creation on us, what a loving Father we have.
The second verse says... do not be anxious about for nothing... and sometimes that is hard to learn (specially if you have control issues like me). If there is something I am working on is to not be stress or worry about the things that I have no control over... stressing, being concern, being anxious will not fix anything at all! And our good Lord is telling me ... Can't you see what I am telling you, read this verse over and over Sofia! I am a learning process creature Lord, I am sorry I am trying to control everything with my hands when is so clear that you are so in control in every aspect of my life, you are my God, my husband, my provider, my friend, why in the world do I worry about things when You, my God, the one that knows everything and can see what is coming ahead, you Lord are in control!
I know you must be asking, how are you doing Sofia? I am doing well! Wed, Thur, and yesterday I received the "boost" of radiation, I was a little bit afraid of the side effects, but it only has affected my skin in the area of my head being radiated, so thanks the Lord no other side effects... Thanks the Lord nausea, headaches and other related side effects are not present, just ears and skin, please pray for that.
I had a gap between friends coming and talking me to my appts and being with me, etc, but God once again took care of the needs, and send my beloved sisters to be with me and help me... God knows our needs even before we ask for them!
May our loving Father bless you with a beautiful day.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Life and Friends that God provides!
"He asked life from You, and You gave it to him-Length of days forever and ever" Psalm 21:4
"Ointment and perfume delight the heart, And the sweetness of a man's friend gives delight by hearty counsel" Proverbs 29:9
Wow, so many good news to share... I think I already told you about the good news about chemotherapy (that after the rest I will take for a month, more test will be done and may not need chemo at all, and if I do will be done by mouth pills) ...
This weekend I had the best medicine ever, my sisters from church Theresa Willis and Kathy Wilson brought my little one to visit and we spent all day at the big oak mall here in Gainesville the first day... hugs, kisses and love was all around her, her smile was sunshine to me, she did not stop smiling and loving on mommy and I did spoiled her really bad (confession!)
On Sunday we went to church, she made a good friend at Sunday school here at the Calvary Chapel in Gainesville, then we went for lunch to Olive Garden (yum!) and Bethany loved her pasta and garlic bread with a lot of grated cheese and the boiled egg and Peruvian olives I got for her =) then we went to the butterfly museum, she really likes outdoors and enjoyed every moment, then we went to the history museum which is just next door (but the girls were exhausted) so just her and me went around the museum, she had to see everything and holding mommy hand all the time and talking to me and actually teaching me about all the things to see... she is a beautiful creation of God, and it comes out of her heart to say things like thank you Lord I have my mommy next to me... she gets me in tears sometimes and I am glad she is His, she believes in Him and is growing up trusting Him... what a gift!
I saw my neurosurgeon on Tuesday and my chemotherapy Dr. yesterday... they both were with wide open mouth to see how good I was doing, how balanced, and coordinated, all the time I kept telling them, it's not me is God doing this, praises to Him I am doing good... The results of my blood test are amazing, when they read the test and then show to me and explain exactly what they were looking for (the reactions that fall naturally after so many weeks of radiation, low white blood cells (the ones that defend your body from disease) and platelets (cells that help you heal and keep you from bleeding) my red cell count etc... they couldn't believe it, they were better than perfect... my lady chemo Dr. actually looked at me and said... what are you eating or doing? for someone receiving radio 5 days a week for so many weeks your labs should be really down and that is the reason we have to have blood tests done every week... I kept telling them ... It's God's work, I've been praying for a long life, no more hair, or other things, just life... God is so awesome, every morning I wake up I tell Him thank you for one more day of life, I enjoy every day, my showers, my breakfast, the blue sky (even if is a little bit cold), so many things, life is amazing! is a real gift from God... and when I get the chance to share a little seed of His amazing love with someone and pray for that person... that is priceless!
Here a few pics that I took with the girls and Bethany's visit.
Love you always!
Friday, January 21, 2011
God's Mercy and Love Never Ends
"Though the fig free many not blossom, (we may be very ill)
Nor fruit may be on the vines; (no prosper of future job in sight)
Though the labor of the olive may fail, (no stable income)
and the fields yield no food; (pantry or refrigerator empty)
Though the flock may be cut from the fold, and there no herd in the stalls (no big meals with meat or desserts!)-
Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will Joy in the God of my salvation." Habakkuk 3: 17-19 (everything in between parenthesis has been added by my comments =)
How can you ever give thanks to God for all the wonderful things He does in our lives... I mess up every 10 seconds in my life, I sin against him in mind or actions all the time! and all I really want to do is glorify His name with everything I do, obey and be at his service... I guess He keeps reminding me that is only by his eternal love, mercy and grace that He loves me unconditionally and is the reason for me to receive so many blessings each day.
I have awesome news! I know you will rejoice and jump with me! ready?... I met with the chemotherapy lady doctor yesterday afternoon, she said that after radiation i am gonna need about a month to recover, particularly after the 2 last weeks of radiation that aim the target of my brain. She is gonna be seeing me before I leave Shands to follow up on the progress, blood count, etc. She also said that during my recovery is very likely to develop nausea, headaches, etc... but after that month of recovery they will be calling me and running test, etc to see how I am doing....that there is a possibility (depending on those test) that I may not need chemotherapy!!!! and if by any chance the board of doctors after seeing my test there is a need for Chemo, then it will be a light one, that they have now a medicine that crosses the brain barrier for my type of cancer, and that chemo may be done by mouth taking pills and once in a while maybe by IV, but she said it will be so mild that a port will not be needed.... I couldn't stop praising God at that moment, I am in tears now... I just can't believe it, this goes beyond of whatever I though before, I am so thankful to my Lord, there is a bible verse about king Saul that says he prayed for more, long life, and God granted him the desire of his heart.... I've been praying, and as long my life is to bring glory to his name, obey him and walk in His path, I want that gift of life, what a joy to live for him and receive this perfect, beautiful gift of life.
Well, as you can see I am overwhelmed with the good news... this weekend my family in Christ is bringing my Bethany, what a present! I can't wait to see her, last time I saw her was Christmas, what a medicine our kids can be to our souls and hearts =)
Blessings to you all, I love you and God willing I will see you soon!!! very soon!
Nor fruit may be on the vines; (no prosper of future job in sight)
Though the labor of the olive may fail, (no stable income)
and the fields yield no food; (pantry or refrigerator empty)
Though the flock may be cut from the fold, and there no herd in the stalls (no big meals with meat or desserts!)-
Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will Joy in the God of my salvation." Habakkuk 3: 17-19 (everything in between parenthesis has been added by my comments =)
How can you ever give thanks to God for all the wonderful things He does in our lives... I mess up every 10 seconds in my life, I sin against him in mind or actions all the time! and all I really want to do is glorify His name with everything I do, obey and be at his service... I guess He keeps reminding me that is only by his eternal love, mercy and grace that He loves me unconditionally and is the reason for me to receive so many blessings each day.
I have awesome news! I know you will rejoice and jump with me! ready?... I met with the chemotherapy lady doctor yesterday afternoon, she said that after radiation i am gonna need about a month to recover, particularly after the 2 last weeks of radiation that aim the target of my brain. She is gonna be seeing me before I leave Shands to follow up on the progress, blood count, etc. She also said that during my recovery is very likely to develop nausea, headaches, etc... but after that month of recovery they will be calling me and running test, etc to see how I am doing....that there is a possibility (depending on those test) that I may not need chemotherapy!!!! and if by any chance the board of doctors after seeing my test there is a need for Chemo, then it will be a light one, that they have now a medicine that crosses the brain barrier for my type of cancer, and that chemo may be done by mouth taking pills and once in a while maybe by IV, but she said it will be so mild that a port will not be needed.... I couldn't stop praising God at that moment, I am in tears now... I just can't believe it, this goes beyond of whatever I though before, I am so thankful to my Lord, there is a bible verse about king Saul that says he prayed for more, long life, and God granted him the desire of his heart.... I've been praying, and as long my life is to bring glory to his name, obey him and walk in His path, I want that gift of life, what a joy to live for him and receive this perfect, beautiful gift of life.
Well, as you can see I am overwhelmed with the good news... this weekend my family in Christ is bringing my Bethany, what a present! I can't wait to see her, last time I saw her was Christmas, what a medicine our kids can be to our souls and hearts =)
Blessings to you all, I love you and God willing I will see you soon!!! very soon!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Still learning to have Faith
"Into Your hand I commit my spirit" Psalm 31:5
"I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; For you alone. O Lord, make me dwell in safety". Psalm 4:8
Sometimes it's hard to trust in God, it is easy to say, but when we go through tests in life is when we realized (I) my faith is as little or less than little than a mustard seed. I am so glad God loves me either way, no matter how small my faith goes sometimes.
As a parent I believe one of the most difficult things to do is to let go of your child, to understand that you have no power, that they are a creation of God and you are just a caretaker for the time being that God wants you to be... you never stop worrying and thinking of them (trying to have control over their lives), but wrong... God is the one in control, God is the one that says rest and be in peace cause I am God... I created your child, he/she is mine, and I love her more than you do, I will have my angels around her watching over her and I know the plans for her life.
I went a little bit crazy about my little one (confession) and somehow desperate trying to be the mom ... but God is telling me again... Don't you trust me? and I realize how weak my faith is. I still have so much to learn and to have faith in him.
As a mother I thank God I am the one going through this and not her, as a parent I believe we will carry any pain, sorrow, struggle for them, we don't wanna see them suffer ever... when I had Bethany I understood a little bit better the Love God has for us that he gave his only son to save us, and that Jesus die and carry all the shame and sin for us so that we do not die, what an amazing God we have.
Here are some pics so you get an idea about the place I am staying, The American Cancer Society Lodge, free for people receiving treatment, 50 rooms, 6 kitchen station areas, 50 refrigerator areas and 50 basket areas for freezer, etc, even the laundry soap and laundry mat is free! what a blessing for all of us...
Oh, and as a good friend said to me... my hair has gone for the holidays... so the American Cancer Society has donated a wig for me... let me know what you think about my new hair =)
God's peace and joy be all over you,
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
"You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have put my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness;" Psalm 30:11
I can't thank Him enough what He is doing with my life, he is sustaining me every moment, my faith is so small at the times, but He does not care, is not about me, is not about my faith or what I do, is all about Him and that by grace and mercy He keeps me alive, walking, eating, living...all praises to Him.
Keep my new sister in Christ Rose in prayer, today we had our second Bible study together, and she is being a blessing for me more than I am for her!
Pray for Linda (John and Mayleem Gilmore's (mother) from church) she is staying with me til Sunday, pray that she will have a safe trip home to PC. And Pray for Pam Turner, she is coming this Sunday 16th and staying with me for a week, God is providing beautiful sister to come and stay with me and help me, I can see His work on a daily basis, not only in my life, but in others.
Prayers request....yes, please keep me in prayer, radiation is not as bad as chemo they said, but it can really, really make you tired, very tired, burn you and somehow affect other parts of your body, in my case "hearing" everything is so loud to me, every time I talk or someone talks to me is like listening to a robot, the doc says the rads sometimes affect your inner ear, so is part of the process, should go back to normal, but don't know when...
That's all the happenings for now, love you all, thank you for your prayers....keep my Bethany and Ray in prayer as well please, he is playing my and his role now, so I know is not easy on him, keep praying that the Lord will give him strength and ability to do both.
Blessings and more blessings from above!
I can't thank Him enough what He is doing with my life, he is sustaining me every moment, my faith is so small at the times, but He does not care, is not about me, is not about my faith or what I do, is all about Him and that by grace and mercy He keeps me alive, walking, eating, living...all praises to Him.
Keep my new sister in Christ Rose in prayer, today we had our second Bible study together, and she is being a blessing for me more than I am for her!
Pray for Linda (John and Mayleem Gilmore's (mother) from church) she is staying with me til Sunday, pray that she will have a safe trip home to PC. And Pray for Pam Turner, she is coming this Sunday 16th and staying with me for a week, God is providing beautiful sister to come and stay with me and help me, I can see His work on a daily basis, not only in my life, but in others.
Prayers request....yes, please keep me in prayer, radiation is not as bad as chemo they said, but it can really, really make you tired, very tired, burn you and somehow affect other parts of your body, in my case "hearing" everything is so loud to me, every time I talk or someone talks to me is like listening to a robot, the doc says the rads sometimes affect your inner ear, so is part of the process, should go back to normal, but don't know when...
That's all the happenings for now, love you all, thank you for your prayers....keep my Bethany and Ray in prayer as well please, he is playing my and his role now, so I know is not easy on him, keep praying that the Lord will give him strength and ability to do both.
Blessings and more blessings from above!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
"Oh, love the Lord, all you His saints! For the Lord preserves the faithful, And fully repays the proud person.
Be of good courage. And He shall strengthen your heart. All you who hope in the Lord." Psalm 31:23-24
What a wonderful day for me, I am happy and rejoicing in the Lord... Kathy Wilson stayed this weekend with me, we prayed for "Rose" she is staying here at the Lodge and receiving radio just like me, but at the same time she is going trough a rough time with family, so she is all alone, no one with her...but we know we are never alone, God's eyes are always on us. So, when Theresa was here we were able to pray for her, give her a kierchief and start a friendship, invited her to church on Sunday (since we found a calvary chapel in the area and the ride to takes us there each sunday), the seed was planted...the rest in the hands of God... I introduce Rose to Kathy yesterday, and we had a nice breakfast together, Kathy planted another seed in that thirsty heart as well...and today, miracles of all miracles, she was all ready to go to church with us! We had one of the worship leaders talking before service while we enjoyed some muffins and tea before service (just like eastgate) and I was able to tell she was planting seeds in her hungry heart... After service Kathy and I saw her walking up front with other people and kneeling down giving her life to Christ, she knew in her broken heart that God is what she needed... Kathy and I just hug and rejoice, then the worship leader took her to the prayer room to pray for her and gave her a Bible and a study book and she was very excited about it and asked me if we can do it together (what a blessing for me)... once she is done with radio she has to go back to lake city, but there is no calvary chapel church in lake city... however, God is at work all the time! we shouldn't worry about a thing! we met a couple later on from Lake City, and they met Rose and told her they will be more than happy to give her a ride here Gainesville every Sunday for church service, they even said to her if she has no place to go in Lake City when she goes back, that they have a spare bedroom waiting for her... isn't God amazing?
I saw her later on today, and for the first time I saw her smiling... before there was just this gray look of sadness on her face, it was nice to see her smile.
Only God knows the hearts and when real changes happen, but it was wonderful to see Him at work today and how He has everything plan ahead of what we can perceive... He show us very clear to Kathy and me today that God is almighty and He is in control of everything, He showed us that we need to trust Him on a daily basis and not worry about tomorrow.
In a way I am so happy I can not see what is coming tomorrow and that I can just relax and sleep in his loving hands tonight...I feel like crossing a busy road, but being a small kid that cannot see and does not know how to cross a busy street, but I do have my loving father that is tall and can see what I can not see, and holding me with his loving right hand guides me and helps me cross... I cried out to God every day, He knows my fears, and the Bible says He hold in a bottle every one of my fears... I am humble and give glory to him every moment, if what I am going trough is worth one soul to Him, then is all worth it, I am humbled and have so much joy that trough this sickness I am bringing glory to His name, and I pray that it will stay that way.
I am at so much peace knowing that God is guiding Ray and helping him play my role and his role with Bethany, and I am at so much peace knowing that God will take care of every single need Bethany has, Bethany is His already and I know He will never forsake her, she is in His plans and I am at peace.
I pray every day that God will grant me more life as He did to king Hezekiah (15 more years of life) or even more! Psalms 90:10 says "the days of our lives are 70 years; and if by reason of strength they are eighty years," Only God knows the days of my life, I am glad He is the one in control and I don't know about them, I just keep praying that He will guide every day of life I have, that He will use for his glory every last breath of air I get, that he will keep me in His path and never let me go away from his teachings.
Well, tomorrow is a boos on my radio...so keep me in prayer, love you all, may our good Lord keep pouring his blessings on you.
Be of good courage. And He shall strengthen your heart. All you who hope in the Lord." Psalm 31:23-24
What a wonderful day for me, I am happy and rejoicing in the Lord... Kathy Wilson stayed this weekend with me, we prayed for "Rose" she is staying here at the Lodge and receiving radio just like me, but at the same time she is going trough a rough time with family, so she is all alone, no one with her...but we know we are never alone, God's eyes are always on us. So, when Theresa was here we were able to pray for her, give her a kierchief and start a friendship, invited her to church on Sunday (since we found a calvary chapel in the area and the ride to takes us there each sunday), the seed was planted...the rest in the hands of God... I introduce Rose to Kathy yesterday, and we had a nice breakfast together, Kathy planted another seed in that thirsty heart as well...and today, miracles of all miracles, she was all ready to go to church with us! We had one of the worship leaders talking before service while we enjoyed some muffins and tea before service (just like eastgate) and I was able to tell she was planting seeds in her hungry heart... After service Kathy and I saw her walking up front with other people and kneeling down giving her life to Christ, she knew in her broken heart that God is what she needed... Kathy and I just hug and rejoice, then the worship leader took her to the prayer room to pray for her and gave her a Bible and a study book and she was very excited about it and asked me if we can do it together (what a blessing for me)... once she is done with radio she has to go back to lake city, but there is no calvary chapel church in lake city... however, God is at work all the time! we shouldn't worry about a thing! we met a couple later on from Lake City, and they met Rose and told her they will be more than happy to give her a ride here Gainesville every Sunday for church service, they even said to her if she has no place to go in Lake City when she goes back, that they have a spare bedroom waiting for her... isn't God amazing?
I saw her later on today, and for the first time I saw her smiling... before there was just this gray look of sadness on her face, it was nice to see her smile.
Only God knows the hearts and when real changes happen, but it was wonderful to see Him at work today and how He has everything plan ahead of what we can perceive... He show us very clear to Kathy and me today that God is almighty and He is in control of everything, He showed us that we need to trust Him on a daily basis and not worry about tomorrow.
In a way I am so happy I can not see what is coming tomorrow and that I can just relax and sleep in his loving hands tonight...I feel like crossing a busy road, but being a small kid that cannot see and does not know how to cross a busy street, but I do have my loving father that is tall and can see what I can not see, and holding me with his loving right hand guides me and helps me cross... I cried out to God every day, He knows my fears, and the Bible says He hold in a bottle every one of my fears... I am humble and give glory to him every moment, if what I am going trough is worth one soul to Him, then is all worth it, I am humbled and have so much joy that trough this sickness I am bringing glory to His name, and I pray that it will stay that way.
I am at so much peace knowing that God is guiding Ray and helping him play my role and his role with Bethany, and I am at so much peace knowing that God will take care of every single need Bethany has, Bethany is His already and I know He will never forsake her, she is in His plans and I am at peace.
I pray every day that God will grant me more life as He did to king Hezekiah (15 more years of life) or even more! Psalms 90:10 says "the days of our lives are 70 years; and if by reason of strength they are eighty years," Only God knows the days of my life, I am glad He is the one in control and I don't know about them, I just keep praying that He will guide every day of life I have, that He will use for his glory every last breath of air I get, that he will keep me in His path and never let me go away from his teachings.
Well, tomorrow is a boos on my radio...so keep me in prayer, love you all, may our good Lord keep pouring his blessings on you.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Sing, Sing, Sing and make music witht the heaven
"Gideon said to God, "if you will save Israel by my hand as you have promised-look, I will place a wool fleece on the threshing floor. If there is a dew only on the fleece and all the ground is dry, then I will know that you will save Israel by my hand, as you said". And that is what happened. Gideon rose early next day; he squeezed the fleece and wrung out of dew-a bowlful of water.
Then Gideon said to God, "Do not be angry with me. Let me make just one more request, allow me one more test with the fleece. this time make the fleece dry and the ground covered with dew. that night God did so, Only the fleece was dry; all the ground was covered with dew." Judges 7:36-40
Sometimes I wish to know what the Lord has for me tomorrow, sometimes I don't really want to know cause I don't know if I am ready for the tomorrow's happenings... I know we are not to test God in any way, but this scripture throws me off a little bit... any comments?
Today was good, I met Lucille (she is going through chemo and radio at the same time and she's lost a lot of weight), it was a blessing praying with her and her husband and give her a kierchief), I think I am blessing people by giving them a kierchief and praying for them, but in all reality I am the one being bless by doing so, there is so much in the sharing of situations that make me stop about my own problems and thinking about others, there is an spiritual exchange that I can not explain, but it is a blessing. Pray for Lucille and her cancer please.
Also pray for Ernest, he has colon cancer and is in the ICU, his wife goes every day to see him, we are hoping for the best.
I am doing good thanks God, I just ask you to keep praying that the shunt I have on my head is working properly, I still have to sleep in a sitting position, and I wake up dizzy and hearing funny...the doctors know all these, they keep saying is about time, we will see... tomorrow I will have a special session of CT Scans, etc so that they will boost and focus where the tumor area was, so instead of receiving radiation in my entire head and spinal column, the radiation will be focused on the area where the tumor was.
Humbly I ask you to keep me in prayer, God is working in amazing ways in my, and is only because of him that I keep going every day, sometimes I feel like walking in the dessert, but then I feel God's wings of love covering me when I get down, and he lifts me up and carries me... there is no way to do or go through this without him.
Have a bless day!
Then Gideon said to God, "Do not be angry with me. Let me make just one more request, allow me one more test with the fleece. this time make the fleece dry and the ground covered with dew. that night God did so, Only the fleece was dry; all the ground was covered with dew." Judges 7:36-40
Sometimes I wish to know what the Lord has for me tomorrow, sometimes I don't really want to know cause I don't know if I am ready for the tomorrow's happenings... I know we are not to test God in any way, but this scripture throws me off a little bit... any comments?
Today was good, I met Lucille (she is going through chemo and radio at the same time and she's lost a lot of weight), it was a blessing praying with her and her husband and give her a kierchief), I think I am blessing people by giving them a kierchief and praying for them, but in all reality I am the one being bless by doing so, there is so much in the sharing of situations that make me stop about my own problems and thinking about others, there is an spiritual exchange that I can not explain, but it is a blessing. Pray for Lucille and her cancer please.
Also pray for Ernest, he has colon cancer and is in the ICU, his wife goes every day to see him, we are hoping for the best.
I am doing good thanks God, I just ask you to keep praying that the shunt I have on my head is working properly, I still have to sleep in a sitting position, and I wake up dizzy and hearing funny...the doctors know all these, they keep saying is about time, we will see... tomorrow I will have a special session of CT Scans, etc so that they will boost and focus where the tumor area was, so instead of receiving radiation in my entire head and spinal column, the radiation will be focused on the area where the tumor was.
Humbly I ask you to keep me in prayer, God is working in amazing ways in my, and is only because of him that I keep going every day, sometimes I feel like walking in the dessert, but then I feel God's wings of love covering me when I get down, and he lifts me up and carries me... there is no way to do or go through this without him.
Have a bless day!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Thanking God Every Day
"What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this father of our master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we've been given a brand new life, and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven-and the future starts now! 1st Peter 1: 3-5 The Message
Thanks to my good God I am doing better day after day, nausea and headaches are not as bad as they used to, I am tolerating radiation treatments better now, and I am getting used to it as well.
I keep giving the kierchiefs and praying for others that are going through a similar situation as mine, it is a joy to do it, it is good to share our faith and pray for others and hear their stories, everyone has one. Keep in prayer Jaques a little boy 6 months old, he was born full term with only 2 and 1/2 pounds, and of course put in incubator right away... grandma was there holding this little, but very alert baby...we talked for a while, prayed for Jaques and gave her a kierchief... that little boy did not take his eyes out of my face (Theresa was looking at us while we were praying)...I know the Lord has magnificent plans for that little one, he survived although he was so small and underweight, all because God has plans for his life, I know that... Grandma is a believer, her daughters name is Bethany (like my daughter) we need to pray for her and pray that she will come to the Lord.
This is the first time that I have become so humbled I think... I am learning so much, the Lord knew my future, the Lord knew my pride and this "perfectionism" of mine, having everything under control always, everything in order, everything had to be perfect... very wrong, and God is showing me now that I was been a Martha instead of a Mary, there are more important things than having everything perfect and order, including myself! the inner me is what needs to grow, the outside does not matter. I am now in a total humble position, I have always been doing things on my own and fixing things and getting out of situations on my own...today I need help, I need help doing things, fixing and getting situations worked out....and God is providing this wonderful family in the Lord to help me through this... God is teaching me to be humble and ask for help when I need it, let pride aside and ask.
Theresa is with me this week, and I am laughing a lot! I think everyone has a gift, you learn so much from everyone, and I am learning a lot from every sister that comes and stays with me.
Please keep praying for my health, today I had my first MRI, please pray that everything is ok with the shunt and no more surgeries needed! please keep praying that God will keep lifting up family in the Lord that will be able to come and stay with me at the Lodge, and that I grow stronger and stronger every day.
God bless you all,
Thanks to my good God I am doing better day after day, nausea and headaches are not as bad as they used to, I am tolerating radiation treatments better now, and I am getting used to it as well.
I keep giving the kierchiefs and praying for others that are going through a similar situation as mine, it is a joy to do it, it is good to share our faith and pray for others and hear their stories, everyone has one. Keep in prayer Jaques a little boy 6 months old, he was born full term with only 2 and 1/2 pounds, and of course put in incubator right away... grandma was there holding this little, but very alert baby...we talked for a while, prayed for Jaques and gave her a kierchief... that little boy did not take his eyes out of my face (Theresa was looking at us while we were praying)...I know the Lord has magnificent plans for that little one, he survived although he was so small and underweight, all because God has plans for his life, I know that... Grandma is a believer, her daughters name is Bethany (like my daughter) we need to pray for her and pray that she will come to the Lord.
This is the first time that I have become so humbled I think... I am learning so much, the Lord knew my future, the Lord knew my pride and this "perfectionism" of mine, having everything under control always, everything in order, everything had to be perfect... very wrong, and God is showing me now that I was been a Martha instead of a Mary, there are more important things than having everything perfect and order, including myself! the inner me is what needs to grow, the outside does not matter. I am now in a total humble position, I have always been doing things on my own and fixing things and getting out of situations on my own...today I need help, I need help doing things, fixing and getting situations worked out....and God is providing this wonderful family in the Lord to help me through this... God is teaching me to be humble and ask for help when I need it, let pride aside and ask.
Theresa is with me this week, and I am laughing a lot! I think everyone has a gift, you learn so much from everyone, and I am learning a lot from every sister that comes and stays with me.
Please keep praying for my health, today I had my first MRI, please pray that everything is ok with the shunt and no more surgeries needed! please keep praying that God will keep lifting up family in the Lord that will be able to come and stay with me at the Lodge, and that I grow stronger and stronger every day.
God bless you all,
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Miracles and more Miracles
"Ascribe to the Lord, o mighty ones, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name, worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness. The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the Lord thunders over the mighty waters, the voice of the Lord is powerful." Psalm 29: 1-4
Last night I was looking for a paper with some information I was given of someone that could give me a ride to church... I looked and looked, but couldnt find it..then Beverly was able to find a list of churches in the directory of the Lodge...Calvary was one of them, Bev called and called, but there was no answer, so later on yesterday I called and someone answer, there was this guy "andrew" that for the first time was given the church building keys to pick up the last Christmas decorations, he said to me that there is no ministry that picks up and brings them to church, but he will be happy to give me and Bev a ride to church on Sunday morning, and it just happened that he was there when I called and that he was given the church keys that day...God at work is the only thing I can say.
It just happen also that today when we went to church, that my sister in Peru Maria Elena talked to me about this church and "Ted" the pastor in Gainesville, and she gave me the information, but of course I lost the info... We talked to "Ted" and he shared that they are very close to the pastor in Lima (John and Pilar Bonner), so we had a lot of common things that we shared...the church was filled with love, everyone came to say hello and introduce their selves, worship was nice and the teaching was really good.
Today I woke up very sad....one because I received the news that one of my spiritual sisters that was going through a battle of cancer like me has passed away, she is with the Lord now, and I have full confidence of that, and that gives me a lot of peace...but, really the ones that hurt are here on earth, death is difficult to assimilate no matter what....last time I saw her, about 3 weeks ago I think, she hold hands with me and said "We are sisters now, I wish your bed will be next to mine and we will be holding hands all night long" with time she became my buddy and sister in Christ, I saw her faith growing every day, every time I got in touch with her I know her heart was closer and closer to the Lord.... she's gone through way more than I am going through, she is an example for me, and she inspires me, we were suppose to go together on this battle, but the Lord call her home... Karen I am gonna miss you, but I am glad and envy in a way that you are next to the Lord now, out of pain, and at peace. She will be in my heart always.
Church service spoke directly to my heart, we went over Psalms 27 -30 and I realize how broken I am, I really want to cry all the time, I am weak, I am in pain and nausea all the time, this process is difficult, I wish I could be home with my Bethany... but the reality is that I am here, and this is a struggle for me.... I broke in tears and realize that God, Jesus is upholding me every moment, there is no way physically or mentally that I can do this without him, He is the one that is holding me up, helping me to wake up every morning and shower, get ready for breakfast (although if it will be for me I will probably skip all meals), give thanks for a new day of life, and God is holding my right hand... after service I met with Michelina and Jane at church, they pray for me, and I broke in tears, I realize how weak, how fragile I am, how miserable I feel at times and is only because of Jesus and his mercy that I am still up and walking, saying Hello to my fellow sick people here at the lodge, I am out of strength, I would spend all day in bed if is because of me, but God keeps me moving, every breath I take is because of Him, glory to him always, I am completely broken, but He is the great fixer, there is nothing impossible for him, all my praises to Him and I dont deserve anything, He is with me just because of his mercy.... can't wait for him to make me better and coming back to my Bethany and give whatever years he will grant me of life to Him, his glory and service.
Love you all!
Last night I was looking for a paper with some information I was given of someone that could give me a ride to church... I looked and looked, but couldnt find it..then Beverly was able to find a list of churches in the directory of the Lodge...Calvary was one of them, Bev called and called, but there was no answer, so later on yesterday I called and someone answer, there was this guy "andrew" that for the first time was given the church building keys to pick up the last Christmas decorations, he said to me that there is no ministry that picks up and brings them to church, but he will be happy to give me and Bev a ride to church on Sunday morning, and it just happened that he was there when I called and that he was given the church keys that day...God at work is the only thing I can say.
It just happen also that today when we went to church, that my sister in Peru Maria Elena talked to me about this church and "Ted" the pastor in Gainesville, and she gave me the information, but of course I lost the info... We talked to "Ted" and he shared that they are very close to the pastor in Lima (John and Pilar Bonner), so we had a lot of common things that we shared...the church was filled with love, everyone came to say hello and introduce their selves, worship was nice and the teaching was really good.
Today I woke up very sad....one because I received the news that one of my spiritual sisters that was going through a battle of cancer like me has passed away, she is with the Lord now, and I have full confidence of that, and that gives me a lot of peace...but, really the ones that hurt are here on earth, death is difficult to assimilate no matter what....last time I saw her, about 3 weeks ago I think, she hold hands with me and said "We are sisters now, I wish your bed will be next to mine and we will be holding hands all night long" with time she became my buddy and sister in Christ, I saw her faith growing every day, every time I got in touch with her I know her heart was closer and closer to the Lord.... she's gone through way more than I am going through, she is an example for me, and she inspires me, we were suppose to go together on this battle, but the Lord call her home... Karen I am gonna miss you, but I am glad and envy in a way that you are next to the Lord now, out of pain, and at peace. She will be in my heart always.
Church service spoke directly to my heart, we went over Psalms 27 -30 and I realize how broken I am, I really want to cry all the time, I am weak, I am in pain and nausea all the time, this process is difficult, I wish I could be home with my Bethany... but the reality is that I am here, and this is a struggle for me.... I broke in tears and realize that God, Jesus is upholding me every moment, there is no way physically or mentally that I can do this without him, He is the one that is holding me up, helping me to wake up every morning and shower, get ready for breakfast (although if it will be for me I will probably skip all meals), give thanks for a new day of life, and God is holding my right hand... after service I met with Michelina and Jane at church, they pray for me, and I broke in tears, I realize how weak, how fragile I am, how miserable I feel at times and is only because of Jesus and his mercy that I am still up and walking, saying Hello to my fellow sick people here at the lodge, I am out of strength, I would spend all day in bed if is because of me, but God keeps me moving, every breath I take is because of Him, glory to him always, I am completely broken, but He is the great fixer, there is nothing impossible for him, all my praises to Him and I dont deserve anything, He is with me just because of his mercy.... can't wait for him to make me better and coming back to my Bethany and give whatever years he will grant me of life to Him, his glory and service.
Love you all!
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