"It feels like cahos, but somehow there is peace, you are up to something bigger than me...." I so relate to that ok...tong, I don't know what is going on with me, I dont know what is gonna happen tomorrow, but the Lord is in control always, and that brings peace to my heart ....
Tomorrow, a new year, my prayer is that the Lord is gonna use my life in whatever way He decides to, cause I am clueless, and He has to be very loud, cause I am deaf.... He may be granting me 15 years of life just as he did to king Ezaquias, or He may give me 36 more years of life... the Bible says something about letting us go til we are 70, 80 if we r ok, so only God knows the days of our lives.
I do struggle with what is going on, on the human side, I struggle and wish everything will be back to normal, me working, bethany...but God has something planned, and I just wanna fill his will, and is and honor to me if in any way I am bringing glory to Him through this.
He is making me stronger every day, I prayed over the karchiefs tonight, so pray with me as well... I cant say to anyone that they will be cured by using this kairchiefs, but I can share the gospel with them, give them hope, and peace in the Lord that surpases all understanding. So pray with me that tomorrow that I start giving the kairchiefs God will guide me with what to say or do....
I did not know how to crochet, Bev is teaching me, I never had the time, so here she is with a lot of patients showing me how to crochet...I am excited about the project we have.
Wherever he leads me I will follow, he is my husband, my provider, my everything.
Ray left today, thank you Ray for helping me through this (I know it was scary, I ended up 2 times in the ER, but he handled it very well, we had a nice conversation, and I am glad he is going to Bethany and be the father she needs) and now he is back with Bethany that needs him a lot and know is missing both parents.
Talking about Bethany, when coming out of ER last night, somehow I heard the cry of a little one... it touched my heart, and let me understand, that I brother go through all this myself than having my Bethany going through it, us, as parents when we love our kids, we brother carry any disease, any pain than having our kids carry that... and I understood our good Jesus came for us to help us out and get this disease "sin" and carry that all in him, and even to the death He went for us, He did this because He loves us so much.
Well, I am ready to hit the bed, thanks God I am tired and ready to go to sleep...keep me in prayer please that the Lord will make me strong enough so that I can share the things of the kingdom with others.
Happy new year to you all...and my best with to all of you is that one of your new year goals will be to listen to Him and do what He wants from you.....
Love you all, happy new year
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Roller Coaster to the New Year
Ray Writing for Sofia:
I hope that everyone had a safe and healthy christmas. With so many colds being passed around this season, on top of some crazy cold weather, It is a blessing that Sofia has not caught anything during this season. She is truly the Hand Sanitizer Queen! So, to catch everyone up to speed with Sofias journey, I will try my best to lay out the time line, but please forgive the fact that I am not as poetic as some of our postees... (is that a word?)
Sunday we traveled back to Gainesville and were not able to get checked into the Hope Lodge as previously thought, and since it was a holiday weekend, the check in would not happen until Tuesday. We were blessed with the donation of a hotel room at the Red Roof Inn, which was right down the road (thank you Dan and Lisa Dubreil). Sofia started her radiation treatment on Monday and we were able to go out and enjoy dinner and a movie that day. On Tuesday, things got rough from the morning on. Her nausea kept her from keeping down her medicine for her headaches which in turn caused more nausea. A terrible cycle which caused us to end up in the ER first thing this morning. She has been a trooper though. Still continuing to give gifts and think of others before herself. She was able to be cleared from the ER and still make her appointment for her radiation and the removal of her staples. Sofia was warned of some signs to look for, and was told to head to the ER if they were to appear. So unfortunately, I have to admit that I am writing you from the Emergency Room with Sofi in pain. I urge any and all of her friends, family, and followers of this blog to lift up Sofia tonight in Prayer that she gets the all clear tonight when we are seen. The fear at this time is possible issues with the stint not working properly. Please pray for comfort for Sofia to allow her body to rest and gain the strength that she needs for her battle. And to lift up that unknown caregiver that has yet to reveal themselves. We Know that the Lord has a them already picked out, for the days that she has no one to stay with her, and we ask God to reveal them and grant comfort to Sofia to know that God is Gracious and Good in all that he does for those that Love him.
Tonight, prior to our ER visit, I was able to visit the Fitness Center that is offered to the vistors of the Hope Lodge, and it is amazing. The whirlpool, steamrooms, and other things that they offer to Sofia is awesome, I am trying to encourage her to check it out to see if we can keep her Mind, body, and Soul strong and healthy.
Thank you for everyones support and we are looking forward to seeing Beverly Tinklenberg tomorrow to relieve me for a bit. On Sunday, Teresa Willis will be then be staying with Sofia for the first week of the year. From then on, the Lord will reveal those that have been called.
For anyone that would like to send Sofia something directly, her address is:
Sofia Wilcox
2121 SW 16th St.
Gainesville, FL.32608
Of course, Susan Carroll is fully involved as well with the collection of scarves and anything else dealing with Coverings for Sofia. We will continue to remember all of you in our prayers and wish all of you a safe and Happy New Year.
I hope that everyone had a safe and healthy christmas. With so many colds being passed around this season, on top of some crazy cold weather, It is a blessing that Sofia has not caught anything during this season. She is truly the Hand Sanitizer Queen! So, to catch everyone up to speed with Sofias journey, I will try my best to lay out the time line, but please forgive the fact that I am not as poetic as some of our postees... (is that a word?)
Sunday we traveled back to Gainesville and were not able to get checked into the Hope Lodge as previously thought, and since it was a holiday weekend, the check in would not happen until Tuesday. We were blessed with the donation of a hotel room at the Red Roof Inn, which was right down the road (thank you Dan and Lisa Dubreil). Sofia started her radiation treatment on Monday and we were able to go out and enjoy dinner and a movie that day. On Tuesday, things got rough from the morning on. Her nausea kept her from keeping down her medicine for her headaches which in turn caused more nausea. A terrible cycle which caused us to end up in the ER first thing this morning. She has been a trooper though. Still continuing to give gifts and think of others before herself. She was able to be cleared from the ER and still make her appointment for her radiation and the removal of her staples. Sofia was warned of some signs to look for, and was told to head to the ER if they were to appear. So unfortunately, I have to admit that I am writing you from the Emergency Room with Sofi in pain. I urge any and all of her friends, family, and followers of this blog to lift up Sofia tonight in Prayer that she gets the all clear tonight when we are seen. The fear at this time is possible issues with the stint not working properly. Please pray for comfort for Sofia to allow her body to rest and gain the strength that she needs for her battle. And to lift up that unknown caregiver that has yet to reveal themselves. We Know that the Lord has a them already picked out, for the days that she has no one to stay with her, and we ask God to reveal them and grant comfort to Sofia to know that God is Gracious and Good in all that he does for those that Love him.
Tonight, prior to our ER visit, I was able to visit the Fitness Center that is offered to the vistors of the Hope Lodge, and it is amazing. The whirlpool, steamrooms, and other things that they offer to Sofia is awesome, I am trying to encourage her to check it out to see if we can keep her Mind, body, and Soul strong and healthy.
Thank you for everyones support and we are looking forward to seeing Beverly Tinklenberg tomorrow to relieve me for a bit. On Sunday, Teresa Willis will be then be staying with Sofia for the first week of the year. From then on, the Lord will reveal those that have been called.
For anyone that would like to send Sofia something directly, her address is:
Sofia Wilcox
2121 SW 16th St.
Gainesville, FL.32608
Of course, Susan Carroll is fully involved as well with the collection of scarves and anything else dealing with Coverings for Sofia. We will continue to remember all of you in our prayers and wish all of you a safe and Happy New Year.
Friday, December 24, 2010
"My Jesus, My shelter, source of power and strength, let my self never stop to worship you"
The good Lord keeps working in my life, every step, every thing, and I thank Him, defenetely I am not good at taking decisions, so I am so glad He does for me. Honestly from my heart is not easy what I am going through, I am scared, and I wish everything be like before, working my normal hours to help paying my beautiful place and taking care of my Bethany, it is not easy to rely completely in someone, but I am learning to rely on God on everything I do, I had an important lesson to learn, and He is teaching me...also I am overwhelmed and humble that God through this is using my life to touch others, what a blessing, what an honor, He is so good.
Today we went to the house of good friends (Ray's family tradition) to spend prior Christmas at their house (they always play Mr. Clause and Mrs. Clause at DQ) the hummel's, and they were fill with love and glad to see me and Bethany. Best present received, spend time with my Bethany.
and tomorrow I am looking forward to spend Christmas with her.
Tonight we went to church of Christ and sing Christmas and Christian songs with Bethany and Ray (which he has been really good to me, and just showed compassion and care, thank you Ray) it was so nice to hear my daughter sing Holly Night next to me... It really does not matter where you go, God knows when you look to hear from him and when you want to worship him, He is a good God and understands .... the service was nice.... talking about the German soldiers in 1914's when Christmas came they stop fighting the English and French and instead start singing Christmas Carols and even exchange goods with their "enemies" since it was Christmas.... shouldn't we do the same, every day? in reality God came to this world to save us, and we should celebrate Christmas all year long... he came in a humble way as a baby that needs to be taking care of... He being a King came in the humblest way and knows pain, sorrow, He knows how we feel, cause he has gone through it...what an awesome God, being a King, came to our world and got to know about us by going through what we go through....
I don't know how in the world I will be able to go through this without Him.
Prayers request: that my Bethany gets better she has a bad cold...I have been using a mask to protect myself from getting her cold, but I need u to pray about it please... I start radiation on Monday, so I need to be healthy.
Also, God has provided me with spiritual family to go to Gainesville, I am receiving the treatment in Shands and Staying at the American Cancer Society Lodge for free, the only thing is that I cannot stay by myself, their policy is that you need someone staying with you, otherwise they kick you out and you have to pay your own hotel... (which for me is out of the question) the lodge is for free for me and my companion... so far I have Ray staying with me the first days, then my sister Lizzie for 4 days, then, my sister in Christ Teresa and Lisa Dubreuil, so from the 5 weeks of treatment I need about 3 weeks are covered, but I still need God to lift more people up that will be willing to come to Gainesville and stay with me for whatever days they can to complete my 5 week radiation treatment. Please pray for it, I know the Lord has plans already for me, so I am not really worried, He will work someone out.
Love you all, I will keep you updated as long as our awesome good, keeps giving me the energy...
Merry Christmas to you all! Jesus is the reason for the season! all praises and glory to Him!
The good Lord keeps working in my life, every step, every thing, and I thank Him, defenetely I am not good at taking decisions, so I am so glad He does for me. Honestly from my heart is not easy what I am going through, I am scared, and I wish everything be like before, working my normal hours to help paying my beautiful place and taking care of my Bethany, it is not easy to rely completely in someone, but I am learning to rely on God on everything I do, I had an important lesson to learn, and He is teaching me...also I am overwhelmed and humble that God through this is using my life to touch others, what a blessing, what an honor, He is so good.
Today we went to the house of good friends (Ray's family tradition) to spend prior Christmas at their house (they always play Mr. Clause and Mrs. Clause at DQ) the hummel's, and they were fill with love and glad to see me and Bethany. Best present received, spend time with my Bethany.
and tomorrow I am looking forward to spend Christmas with her.
Tonight we went to church of Christ and sing Christmas and Christian songs with Bethany and Ray (which he has been really good to me, and just showed compassion and care, thank you Ray) it was so nice to hear my daughter sing Holly Night next to me... It really does not matter where you go, God knows when you look to hear from him and when you want to worship him, He is a good God and understands .... the service was nice.... talking about the German soldiers in 1914's when Christmas came they stop fighting the English and French and instead start singing Christmas Carols and even exchange goods with their "enemies" since it was Christmas.... shouldn't we do the same, every day? in reality God came to this world to save us, and we should celebrate Christmas all year long... he came in a humble way as a baby that needs to be taking care of... He being a King came in the humblest way and knows pain, sorrow, He knows how we feel, cause he has gone through it...what an awesome God, being a King, came to our world and got to know about us by going through what we go through....
I don't know how in the world I will be able to go through this without Him.
Prayers request: that my Bethany gets better she has a bad cold...I have been using a mask to protect myself from getting her cold, but I need u to pray about it please... I start radiation on Monday, so I need to be healthy.
Also, God has provided me with spiritual family to go to Gainesville, I am receiving the treatment in Shands and Staying at the American Cancer Society Lodge for free, the only thing is that I cannot stay by myself, their policy is that you need someone staying with you, otherwise they kick you out and you have to pay your own hotel... (which for me is out of the question) the lodge is for free for me and my companion... so far I have Ray staying with me the first days, then my sister Lizzie for 4 days, then, my sister in Christ Teresa and Lisa Dubreuil, so from the 5 weeks of treatment I need about 3 weeks are covered, but I still need God to lift more people up that will be willing to come to Gainesville and stay with me for whatever days they can to complete my 5 week radiation treatment. Please pray for it, I know the Lord has plans already for me, so I am not really worried, He will work someone out.
Love you all, I will keep you updated as long as our awesome good, keeps giving me the energy...
Merry Christmas to you all! Jesus is the reason for the season! all praises and glory to Him!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
"Glory to God, Glory to God here and in heaven, take my life and use it for you and for you glory, take my life and let it be yours"...what a beautiful song... cant wait to get strong enough and to back to church and sing to our Lord.
As you know I am back home, the shunt surgery was simpler than the first one, but took me a little bit longer to get over it, having something inside your body, always makes you recuperate a little bit slower and you get more pain.
Updates, the Lord is an amazing God, today while my sister Julia from church was visiting one of the Landlords stopped by to say that they will hate to lose me as a tenant, so what about if I get a roommate to help me with rent, that they r ok with that...so I am praying, and ask you my to pray about it too, if is the Lord's will, He will send someone.
Challenge (not really my challenge, God is in control of everything) is God lifting someone up that will be willing to come with me to Gainesville for my 5 weeks of treatment...The American Cancer Society Lodge has accepted me, at no cost I can stay at the lodge during treatment, u guys will not believe the place , 6 laundry machines and dryers (they even provide the soap at no cost), 6 kitchen stations all set with pans, pots, utensils, etc, playing room, dining room and a beautiful garden, all for free for the patients receiving treatment and their companion...yeap that is a rule, while u receive treatment u need someone to stay with you...otherwise they will kick u out and you have to pay (afford you own hotel) there is no way I can afford a hotel, so I am praying and pray for it too that our good Jesus will lift someone up to be there with me... for now Ray is going to go with me til the 28th... but Bethany needs a parent, and he has to work too, so ...my sister Lizzie will come and help from the 28th till the first I believe (so pray I need someone to stay with me for 4 full weeks), most of my sisters and brothers have work and kids, so in human eyes, this seems impossible, but for our God there is nothing impossible, He is the maker of the stars and us made in his image, I am learning to rely on Him more and more....
Please keep praying for my health too, although the nurses and doctors were amazing at shands, they are short handed, so one night I had a nurse that was called in, pray for her too, her name is Marting (is a she) seems she is knew or maybe she is in love and her mind is somewhere else.... well, she forgot one of the doctor indications for me, and seems now I am paying the price for it... I went to my primary dr. and he we are hoping for the best results on this one, praying this is something simple, nothing to worry about. Either way I am seeing the drs. on the 27th that I start radiation, and on the 3rd I will b seeing the specialist of this matter.... the awesome thing is that God knows what we need even before we ask...and that our spirit make unrecognizable sounds when we pray... God is sooooo good, even when we dont know what we ask for, he already knows...how amazing is Him....
OK dont know if I will see you all before or after christmas, I will play it by year. so for now MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Know that you are the spiritual family that God has bless me with =)
As you know I am back home, the shunt surgery was simpler than the first one, but took me a little bit longer to get over it, having something inside your body, always makes you recuperate a little bit slower and you get more pain.
Updates, the Lord is an amazing God, today while my sister Julia from church was visiting one of the Landlords stopped by to say that they will hate to lose me as a tenant, so what about if I get a roommate to help me with rent, that they r ok with that...so I am praying, and ask you my to pray about it too, if is the Lord's will, He will send someone.
Challenge (not really my challenge, God is in control of everything) is God lifting someone up that will be willing to come with me to Gainesville for my 5 weeks of treatment...The American Cancer Society Lodge has accepted me, at no cost I can stay at the lodge during treatment, u guys will not believe the place , 6 laundry machines and dryers (they even provide the soap at no cost), 6 kitchen stations all set with pans, pots, utensils, etc, playing room, dining room and a beautiful garden, all for free for the patients receiving treatment and their companion...yeap that is a rule, while u receive treatment u need someone to stay with you...otherwise they will kick u out and you have to pay (afford you own hotel) there is no way I can afford a hotel, so I am praying and pray for it too that our good Jesus will lift someone up to be there with me... for now Ray is going to go with me til the 28th... but Bethany needs a parent, and he has to work too, so ...my sister Lizzie will come and help from the 28th till the first I believe (so pray I need someone to stay with me for 4 full weeks), most of my sisters and brothers have work and kids, so in human eyes, this seems impossible, but for our God there is nothing impossible, He is the maker of the stars and us made in his image, I am learning to rely on Him more and more....
Please keep praying for my health too, although the nurses and doctors were amazing at shands, they are short handed, so one night I had a nurse that was called in, pray for her too, her name is Marting (is a she) seems she is knew or maybe she is in love and her mind is somewhere else.... well, she forgot one of the doctor indications for me, and seems now I am paying the price for it... I went to my primary dr. and he we are hoping for the best results on this one, praying this is something simple, nothing to worry about. Either way I am seeing the drs. on the 27th that I start radiation, and on the 3rd I will b seeing the specialist of this matter.... the awesome thing is that God knows what we need even before we ask...and that our spirit make unrecognizable sounds when we pray... God is sooooo good, even when we dont know what we ask for, he already knows...how amazing is Him....
OK dont know if I will see you all before or after christmas, I will play it by year. so for now MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Know that you are the spiritual family that God has bless me with =)
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Isaiah 38 I was reminded of that Bible scripture today by Sue which talked to a lady christian converted from the Islam believes. She told her to tell me about this scripture, so Sue read the scripture for me...and is one of my favorites, this king was told by the prophet Isaiah that God was going to take his life.. the decision was made already by God, however this king of Judah Hezekaih cried out to God and told him he was not ready, God had compassion on him and God granted him 15 more years of life.... this Bible chapter always puzzled me, because God had already a plan and made a decision, however He decided to change it and grant 15 more years of life to this man! I feel like I've been through the valley of the death, and that this life (whatever time God is giving me) is a present from Him, to be around Bethany teach her about the Lord, and who knows if God wants to use me and honor to serve him in any way He wants... what a present! life! and what a present to be able to move and share this life of ours with others, I dont know yet what the Lord has for me, but I can see better in what direction He wants me to go... One of the things I learned from here is that no matter what u do as a job, as long as you glorify God with every beat you have is good, and Jesus came to serve not to be served, it means so much when u r sick if someone just comes around praising the Lord in song or reading the bible to you when you cannot,,,I been in the bed, I know now those things mean a lot to us the sick....I did not know before....
Praises to God as usual, keep me in your prayers since I am having trouble with my right ear, I dont know whats the matter, the doctor will see me tomorrow....if the Lord wants me a little bit deaf on one ear is ok, is his will. maybe a reminder so I dont forget all the wonders he has done in my life.....and that whatever life is to come is a present He is giving me... they shaved my head again, the head neurosurgeon laugh when he saw me and rubbed on my head and said.. I cant believe how fast and thick you hair is....cause it is growing again, no more chemicals this time though, so get use to Sofia with gray hair, and they say it may grow curly this time since has been shaved so many times, and after chemo and radio, it does not matter, a good brother from church told me "the beauty of a woman is not in her hair" and that meant a lot, it is true, that is just the frame of our face, our inner heart is what matter, our true self...what is inside, is easy to say, but gotta be honest I am vain, and vanity is one of the things I believe the Lord is working on me, I feel sometimes like a piece of wood, that he is polishing, pressing, carving day by day, there are so many things He needed to work on....He is an awesome God, He does not quit on us, He keeps going no matter how much work we mean, He is the Lion and the Lamb, ....how great is our God, sing with me how great is our God and all we see how great, how great is our God....
Praises to God as usual, keep me in your prayers since I am having trouble with my right ear, I dont know whats the matter, the doctor will see me tomorrow....if the Lord wants me a little bit deaf on one ear is ok, is his will. maybe a reminder so I dont forget all the wonders he has done in my life.....and that whatever life is to come is a present He is giving me... they shaved my head again, the head neurosurgeon laugh when he saw me and rubbed on my head and said.. I cant believe how fast and thick you hair is....cause it is growing again, no more chemicals this time though, so get use to Sofia with gray hair, and they say it may grow curly this time since has been shaved so many times, and after chemo and radio, it does not matter, a good brother from church told me "the beauty of a woman is not in her hair" and that meant a lot, it is true, that is just the frame of our face, our inner heart is what matter, our true self...what is inside, is easy to say, but gotta be honest I am vain, and vanity is one of the things I believe the Lord is working on me, I feel sometimes like a piece of wood, that he is polishing, pressing, carving day by day, there are so many things He needed to work on....He is an awesome God, He does not quit on us, He keeps going no matter how much work we mean, He is the Lion and the Lamb, ....how great is our God, sing with me how great is our God and all we see how great, how great is our God....
Friday, December 17, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Hi all,
Please pray for Sofia. She is having difficulty getting rid of the effects of the anesthesia and is experiencing nausea and can't eat solids yet. She has head pain and abdominal pain from the incisions, and is experiencing some discouragement.
A praise report: The doctors are encouraged with Sofia's progress, the shunt doesn't show at all (more important for a woman, I think) and her hair is growing back already! Today, she gave a card of congratulations to her primary doctor to honor the birth of his new daughter. Dr. Murad just shook his head in amazement at her consideration of what is important in his life while she has so much going on in her life. This is so typical of what endears people to Sofia. Yeah God! What a wonderful daughter you have in Sofia!
Blessings to all of you,
Please pray for Sofia. She is having difficulty getting rid of the effects of the anesthesia and is experiencing nausea and can't eat solids yet. She has head pain and abdominal pain from the incisions, and is experiencing some discouragement.
A praise report: The doctors are encouraged with Sofia's progress, the shunt doesn't show at all (more important for a woman, I think) and her hair is growing back already! Today, she gave a card of congratulations to her primary doctor to honor the birth of his new daughter. Dr. Murad just shook his head in amazement at her consideration of what is important in his life while she has so much going on in her life. This is so typical of what endears people to Sofia. Yeah God! What a wonderful daughter you have in Sofia!
Blessings to all of you,
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Thursday afternoon, 12/16/10
Hi to all,
Sofia made it through surgery well, and is now back in her room. She is very sleepy, but whispers coherently when asked questions by the doctor, and has squeezed my hand with her right hand (the one that they were afraid might not work) with surprising strength! Praise God! Dr. Murad said that she may even go home tomorrow! I understand that he is on the conservative side, so the decision to send her home considering the long car trip, will necessarily factor into his decision. Her first words were, "I'm alive!" And, "thanks be to God!" She is still "loopy" (her word, not mine) from the anesthesia, and will probably go into the night with some of that feeling.
Thanks to all of you for your prayers for Sofia and to those of you who are also praying for me. When other decisions have been made, I will update all of you through this e-mail and also her blog. www.sofiawilcox.blogspot.com.
Grace and peace,
Sofia made it through surgery well, and is now back in her room. She is very sleepy, but whispers coherently when asked questions by the doctor, and has squeezed my hand with her right hand (the one that they were afraid might not work) with surprising strength! Praise God! Dr. Murad said that she may even go home tomorrow! I understand that he is on the conservative side, so the decision to send her home considering the long car trip, will necessarily factor into his decision. Her first words were, "I'm alive!" And, "thanks be to God!" She is still "loopy" (her word, not mine) from the anesthesia, and will probably go into the night with some of that feeling.
Thanks to all of you for your prayers for Sofia and to those of you who are also praying for me. When other decisions have been made, I will update all of you through this e-mail and also her blog. www.sofiawilcox.blogspot.com.
Grace and peace,
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Glory to God, Glory to God in heaven and earth.
My surgery has been postponed til tomorrow sometime in the morning, I have so much peace and joy that I can not explain, God is giving me the energy to write this down now.
Sue is an amazing sister in the Lord, she has been so good to me and stays 24/7 with me, encourages me and we are learning from each other. She is a real blessing and I know she is keeping you posted when I cant.
God knows the reason I am here today, God knows the reason I was sent to Shands and knows better the reason I need this next surgery, he knows better what is best for me, I don't know nothing...if it is for me believe me I dont wanna know anything about surgeries anymore, but I trust in the Lord and that he wants what is good for me, he sees what I cant, he is my eyes, my shelter.
if this go well, they will allow me to go home this sunday, which means spending christmas with bethany, the best christmas gift ever, a real christmas miracle it will be.
The spinal puncture today was much better, thank you for all that prayed for me, the pain was not as bad, and I know the power of prayer, thank you again.
Dont know whats to happen tomorrow, I know I will be out of touch for a couple of days til I recover strength again after surgery, whatever happens I am at so much peace, that I know only the Lord can have given me...I am afraid at times, but I think about my Jesus and it goes away, I pray without ceasing, I ask you to pray for me, recovery time and please pray for my Bethany, Ray is doing an amazing job as a father and watching over her, pray for him as well.
Love you all, keep praising God, his best gift is that he sent his only son to die for our sins for all the ones that believe and gave his/her life to him, so no matter what happens we have victory already, here in earth or heaven if he send us home, we are victorious, he loves us so much.
In christ,
My surgery has been postponed til tomorrow sometime in the morning, I have so much peace and joy that I can not explain, God is giving me the energy to write this down now.
Sue is an amazing sister in the Lord, she has been so good to me and stays 24/7 with me, encourages me and we are learning from each other. She is a real blessing and I know she is keeping you posted when I cant.
God knows the reason I am here today, God knows the reason I was sent to Shands and knows better the reason I need this next surgery, he knows better what is best for me, I don't know nothing...if it is for me believe me I dont wanna know anything about surgeries anymore, but I trust in the Lord and that he wants what is good for me, he sees what I cant, he is my eyes, my shelter.
if this go well, they will allow me to go home this sunday, which means spending christmas with bethany, the best christmas gift ever, a real christmas miracle it will be.
The spinal puncture today was much better, thank you for all that prayed for me, the pain was not as bad, and I know the power of prayer, thank you again.
Dont know whats to happen tomorrow, I know I will be out of touch for a couple of days til I recover strength again after surgery, whatever happens I am at so much peace, that I know only the Lord can have given me...I am afraid at times, but I think about my Jesus and it goes away, I pray without ceasing, I ask you to pray for me, recovery time and please pray for my Bethany, Ray is doing an amazing job as a father and watching over her, pray for him as well.
Love you all, keep praising God, his best gift is that he sent his only son to die for our sins for all the ones that believe and gave his/her life to him, so no matter what happens we have victory already, here in earth or heaven if he send us home, we are victorious, he loves us so much.
In christ,
Wednesday afternoon, 12/15/10
Sofia's surgery had to be postponed for today and it is now hoped to be scheduled for tomorrow. Apparently, there have been several emergencies today which have crowded the already complicated schedule which would push the surgical request for her surgery until 2AM. SO, Sofia wants to eat, and by delaying the surgery until tomorrow, Sofia can eat tonight. She will have Cuban food, from a local restaurant, which is sort of similar to her native Peruvian cuisine, and she is smiling with anticipation.
Please pray for the others here, too. One couple has just taken their daughter of her life support and the whole family is just waiting...Another couple brought their son in by air ambulance. Their son is 23 and needs a lung transplant now--average wait time = 7 mos.
Sofia is the texting queen and stays in touch with those on her text list who do not have e-mail or internet access. More than that is too tiring, but between us, we are attempting to keep all of you informed.
We do trust that everything is in God's hands and timing.
In Christ,
Please pray for the others here, too. One couple has just taken their daughter of her life support and the whole family is just waiting...Another couple brought their son in by air ambulance. Their son is 23 and needs a lung transplant now--average wait time = 7 mos.
Sofia is the texting queen and stays in touch with those on her text list who do not have e-mail or internet access. More than that is too tiring, but between us, we are attempting to keep all of you informed.
We do trust that everything is in God's hands and timing.
In Christ,
Wednesday morning, December 15
Sofia had her 2nd lumbar puncture this morning, and though the pressure had dropped to 18, the doctors have determined that she does need a VP shunt. Sofia is willingly submitting to God's will and the doctor's recommendations, and we continue to pray. The surgery will probably be around 2pm or 3pm this afternoon with pre-op taking an hour before and post-op being a couple of hours after. She will be returned to this room then. And, I will continue to be here nearly 24/7. Right now, she is sleeping quietly as she recovers from the procedure.
Last night, I slept luxuriously! I thought of you, Rob, with your comment about the lack of comfort in Tonj, and about the minimally-supplied clinic there also. Found for me was an upholstered vinyl chair that made out into a 7-foot bed and was wide enough for a 300 pound person! I slept right through all of the night nursing things done to and for Sofia! I felt a bit guilty about that. Praise God for His goodness for taking care of me too!
Sofia has a bed that even gives her an occasional massage so that she does not get any bed sores, but she is up and moving and taking care of her own personal hygiene and eating when they let her, so that is a luxury that she does not need as much.
Please pray mightily for Sofia's surgical success and for her surgical team headed by Dr. Murad, and ultimately for her complete healing.
I will keep you posted as there are developments.
Blessings and thanks to all of you caring people.
Last night, I slept luxuriously! I thought of you, Rob, with your comment about the lack of comfort in Tonj, and about the minimally-supplied clinic there also. Found for me was an upholstered vinyl chair that made out into a 7-foot bed and was wide enough for a 300 pound person! I slept right through all of the night nursing things done to and for Sofia! I felt a bit guilty about that. Praise God for His goodness for taking care of me too!
Sofia has a bed that even gives her an occasional massage so that she does not get any bed sores, but she is up and moving and taking care of her own personal hygiene and eating when they let her, so that is a luxury that she does not need as much.
Please pray mightily for Sofia's surgical success and for her surgical team headed by Dr. Murad, and ultimately for her complete healing.
I will keep you posted as there are developments.
Blessings and thanks to all of you caring people.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Tues., 12/14 evening
Hello once again from Shands,
Well, there's good news and some 'maybe' news. Sofia's primary neurosurgeon came in earlier this evening. The good news is that there will be no need to reopen the original surgery site in order to repair a hole in the fascia (sp?). The 'maybe' news is that she may still need to have a shunt installed tomorrow afternoon thus lessening the fluid's pressure and allowing the surgical site to continue to heal. One determining factor will be what the pressure measured by tomorrow morning's lumbar puncture will be. Today's was 19 with 20 becoming critical. Since today's pressure was 'borderline', tomorrow's pressure measurement will either lead the team either toward or away from surgery tomorrow afternoon--with the former being a distinct possibility.
Sofia continues to quietly speak in amazed tones about the differences in our plans and God's.
She requests that we all please pray that God's will will be done about the shunt because she does not know what is best. Also, the mere thought of having another lumbar puncture brings tears to her eyes because today's was so painful, so please pray about that too.
We thank you all for being a part of her treatment team as you pray for her continued healing. That knowledge gives her much peace. She is really grateful not to be alone and to have you all to think about as well as her medical 'business'.
Good night, and I'll update you when there's more known. She just said, "Keep praising the Lord 'cuz he is good." And then she gave a big sigh. She is a blessing to be around! And, I am grateful to be here.
Grace and peace,
Well, there's good news and some 'maybe' news. Sofia's primary neurosurgeon came in earlier this evening. The good news is that there will be no need to reopen the original surgery site in order to repair a hole in the fascia (sp?). The 'maybe' news is that she may still need to have a shunt installed tomorrow afternoon thus lessening the fluid's pressure and allowing the surgical site to continue to heal. One determining factor will be what the pressure measured by tomorrow morning's lumbar puncture will be. Today's was 19 with 20 becoming critical. Since today's pressure was 'borderline', tomorrow's pressure measurement will either lead the team either toward or away from surgery tomorrow afternoon--with the former being a distinct possibility.
Sofia continues to quietly speak in amazed tones about the differences in our plans and God's.

We thank you all for being a part of her treatment team as you pray for her continued healing. That knowledge gives her much peace. She is really grateful not to be alone and to have you all to think about as well as her medical 'business'.
Good night, and I'll update you when there's more known. She just said, "Keep praising the Lord 'cuz he is good." And then she gave a big sigh. She is a blessing to be around! And, I am grateful to be here.
Grace and peace,
Shands, Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Hi to all Eastgaters and beyond,
I am writing this with Sofia's knowledge to give you the news. We were seen right away when we arrived at the ER last night. There were many who came to see her for treatment purposes and it was bittersweet for them to see her again. With all of that activity, neither of us got much sleep. But we got here safely and there was no black ice or snow during our trip, so we are both thankful for that.
There was a tiny hole on the right side of the 5th staple up from the bottom of her incision. It was leaking spinal fluid, so they sewed it up to prevent infection from entering the brain. She has been admitted to room 115-08, for how long we do not know. Several tests were completed today: blood work, a urinalysis, a CT scan and a lumbar puncture. Preliminary results show that there is reason to believe that there may be another hole in the next layer below the skin, called the fascia (I'm not sure of the spelling) which will need to be closed. Also, the dr. who did the lumbar puncture said that 'the pressure is a little higher than they would like.' The medical team is now discussing the value of a new surgery. If done, it would consist of closing the still existing hole and / or putting in a shunt to drain the fluid, but no surgery has been scheduled at this time.
Sofia and I have both caught up on our sleep today and she is looking rested, texting one-handed, directing nurses and questioning doctors.
She prefers to text only, and that will be as she has energy and time, and requests that, if you are wanting to phone for information, that you talk to me at 850 890 1618 as she has put in her voicemail message. For your convenience, I will try to have that phone on me at all times. I know that you are all concerned, so you may call most any time. One or both of us will probably be up! That is the nature of hospital life. For the time being, I am sleeping in her room only leaving to take care of necessities or to give her privacy.
Sofia has 2 specific prayer requests: 1. that they do not have to install a shunt and 2. that they do not have to do another lumbar puncture as it is very painful even though the dr. doing that procedure is very experienced.
The nurses are great and so are the doctors! We are very grateful for your prayers and your calls, and that Sofia is receiving such thorough care. We pray that you will continue to keep Sofia, and all who are caring for her, in your prayers. Visitors are welcome, and visiting hours are flexible.
We miss you all very much and will try to watch at least one service on Sunday. We will let you know if and when we are watching.
Sofia says, "God bless you all and God is giving me the strength to do all this. Praises to Him always."
Bye for now,
I am writing this with Sofia's knowledge to give you the news. We were seen right away when we arrived at the ER last night. There were many who came to see her for treatment purposes and it was bittersweet for them to see her again. With all of that activity, neither of us got much sleep. But we got here safely and there was no black ice or snow during our trip, so we are both thankful for that.
There was a tiny hole on the right side of the 5th staple up from the bottom of her incision. It was leaking spinal fluid, so they sewed it up to prevent infection from entering the brain. She has been admitted to room 115-08, for how long we do not know. Several tests were completed today: blood work, a urinalysis, a CT scan and a lumbar puncture. Preliminary results show that there is reason to believe that there may be another hole in the next layer below the skin, called the fascia (I'm not sure of the spelling) which will need to be closed. Also, the dr. who did the lumbar puncture said that 'the pressure is a little higher than they would like.' The medical team is now discussing the value of a new surgery. If done, it would consist of closing the still existing hole and / or putting in a shunt to drain the fluid, but no surgery has been scheduled at this time.
Sofia and I have both caught up on our sleep today and she is looking rested, texting one-handed, directing nurses and questioning doctors.

She prefers to text only, and that will be as she has energy and time, and requests that, if you are wanting to phone for information, that you talk to me at 850 890 1618 as she has put in her voicemail message. For your convenience, I will try to have that phone on me at all times. I know that you are all concerned, so you may call most any time. One or both of us will probably be up! That is the nature of hospital life. For the time being, I am sleeping in her room only leaving to take care of necessities or to give her privacy.
Sofia has 2 specific prayer requests: 1. that they do not have to install a shunt and 2. that they do not have to do another lumbar puncture as it is very painful even though the dr. doing that procedure is very experienced.
The nurses are great and so are the doctors! We are very grateful for your prayers and your calls, and that Sofia is receiving such thorough care. We pray that you will continue to keep Sofia, and all who are caring for her, in your prayers. Visitors are welcome, and visiting hours are flexible.
We miss you all very much and will try to watch at least one service on Sunday. We will let you know if and when we are watching.
Sofia says, "God bless you all and God is giving me the strength to do all this. Praises to Him always."
Bye for now,
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Dec 6 Shands from sofia
"Indescribable, uncontainable, You place the starts in the sky and named them, you are an amazing God" Yes, it is me, very quick while I have some energy, it is 12 here, but you know hospitals they wake u up for your hep shot in the belly that really hurts, take vitals, etc.
Mama has done an amazing job at keeping you guys updated with this blog (thank you mami) God has put her as my mom when He knew I needed her, His grace is amazing.
Thank you for all your words of encouragement, means a lot to be loved and prayers.
Many of you say I am inspiration for you, but honestly I feel like this little kid crying out to God every day. I have passed through the furnace (big surgery) and He was with me. All the doctors are amaze at how well I am doing after a surgery like this, they thought I will lose control on my right arm and other things, praise our Jesus I can move both hands, both feet, see, talk and hear, His grace is amazing. I am covered by the armor of God, He will never forget me or forsake me, what a present!
At this point if God grants me life I think I know what he wants me to do...something I learn in this hospital... I been fighting so bad to get my license in hygiene and then in RN, thinking is money and ministry...but money really means nothing... when I see the PCAs here coming with a smile, with a servant heart (most of the PCAs are christians) they sing praises to God when they come, do the service job, sponge baths, caterers, vitals, change your bedding, etc... one of them said to me, this is not the best paid job, but is not bad either, Jesus came to serve, not to be served. When the nurses come of course is with the knowledge, they know what meds to give you, when and when u need them, they are very nice too, but the real service is below them. If I do well in all these and God wants me for much longer I believe has become clear that service is what I should do, spread the gospel through what I am going through and give the word of hope and serve with a happy heart.
As I txt before, one morning this cleaning guy came to pick the trash, he was singing to the Lord, said good morning and smile...I said to him, please keep smiling like that and singing to the rooms you go, you have a way to bright the day for the sick...he said, I dont do much, I only pick trash, but I am happy I can leave a little seed of love everywhere I go in this hospital...man...no matter what you do always praise God, ppl watch every step and attitude we have.
Prayers I need....many! last night was terrible, nothing will take my headache away, they dopped me and even gave me morphine and did not work, puked many times (sorry for the details) and not till 5 this afternoon I started to feel better. Dr. says CT Scan shows brain fluids are doing well, that is gonna b an up and down for about 2 weeks now, puking, headaches, etc, part of the deal...the doc said...Sofia 60% of your cerebellum has been removed cause the good cells became malignant, so we had to remove as much as we could... part of the back bone was taken out and not put back, we drill on your brain to put the draining tube... u r gonna b in a lot of pain for about 2 weeks, is part of it...days free of headaches, days with really bad headaches...they are not gonna do the final test which is the spinal tap (take a small portion of the spinal fluid to check there are not malignant cells). I did not want chemo or radio, but the pediatrician that was added to the board (because this type of malignant medulla blastoma is seen only in children) said that they have failed every time when surgery is only done, 100% of the times come back, so I do need the radiation and chemo to have my 5050 chance. As our pastor Luke said, life is a gift from God, I have so much to teach Bethany about the Lord and life, and I think the Lord has plans for this little life still, so I am gonna fight, not gonna be fun or easy, but with the Lord we can do it all.
Radiation starts on Thursday the 9th and is gonna be for 5 weeks, they said they have to do a full head radiation and spine, so be it, God is in control, I am afraid, but crying to God every moment and He comes and comforts me. Then I am gonna have a break and do chemo, dont know for how long yet, hope this little body can take it.
Our sister Sue Hea has been kind enough to come tomorrow to help me, God always lift someone up for us when in need. Here I am gonna attach a pic that my sister took while here, one of those "good days" that I eat, and no headaches. but please is a big difference...this pic is all "al natural" no make up, no hair, just as I am, the real me! Lol
Prayers I need is that the Lord keeps me cool and not afraid, that my trust in Him grows and grows every day, that I should not be afraid about radio or chemo.....huge prayer...all this med dont let me pee! (again sorry for the details) but there are so many things we take for granted, even peee is a gift that we can do it on our own! please pray I relax enough so I can do it myself.
Thank you mama for the CD player and Julia for the parlants, I can listen to my christian music and my CD bible with it, excellent present!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Dear Friends and Family:
Just a quick update Sofia has been moved to a room in the hospital out of ICU! Her room number is 18 and she is on the 11th floor at Shands. I will get the address and post it soon.
I want to thank all of you for your loving response to and for Sofia. The church ladies, Theresa, Julia, and Sue as point people and then all the rest of you for your comments, prayers, financial support and, of course, the scarves. Also keep praying for Lizzie, Sofia's sister who has a cold. She will need to leave on Saturday, so we ask the angels to be in front of her and behind her on her trip home.
Sue has been gracious enough to be flexible in meeting Sofia's need for someone to be with her. She was going to go this week and cancelled all of her appointments, then we realized that we would need her more next week but we were not sure and she was able to rearrange her schedule again. Now Sue is still going with the flow and looks like she will go next week. Sofia has specifically requested for Sue to be with her during the beginning of the treatment. Many of you know Sue's history with cancer and can understand how, Sue will be able to minister in a way to Sofia that many of us would not be able to do. God meets all our needs in abundance.
Many many blessings and thanks to Sue for her ability to move as the Lord would have her minister. I know that for me it is a blessing to know that someone Sofia knows will be with her. Also, I know some of the other woman would like to go and we will need others along this journey to volunteer some of their time. Theresa may be going this weekend--- I pray a "covering" over all who will travel to minister to Sofia that the Lord's face will shine upon you and that all blessing from God will come your way.
I will keep you updated, but for now Sofia is doing well and we next need to concentrate on keeping her healthy as she beings chemo and radiation therapy. So please continue to pray on this matter.
In Him- susan carroll
You may see more at the web site www.coveringsforsofia.com
Just a quick update Sofia has been moved to a room in the hospital out of ICU! Her room number is 18 and she is on the 11th floor at Shands. I will get the address and post it soon.
I want to thank all of you for your loving response to and for Sofia. The church ladies, Theresa, Julia, and Sue as point people and then all the rest of you for your comments, prayers, financial support and, of course, the scarves. Also keep praying for Lizzie, Sofia's sister who has a cold. She will need to leave on Saturday, so we ask the angels to be in front of her and behind her on her trip home.
Sue has been gracious enough to be flexible in meeting Sofia's need for someone to be with her. She was going to go this week and cancelled all of her appointments, then we realized that we would need her more next week but we were not sure and she was able to rearrange her schedule again. Now Sue is still going with the flow and looks like she will go next week. Sofia has specifically requested for Sue to be with her during the beginning of the treatment. Many of you know Sue's history with cancer and can understand how, Sue will be able to minister in a way to Sofia that many of us would not be able to do. God meets all our needs in abundance.
Many many blessings and thanks to Sue for her ability to move as the Lord would have her minister. I know that for me it is a blessing to know that someone Sofia knows will be with her. Also, I know some of the other woman would like to go and we will need others along this journey to volunteer some of their time. Theresa may be going this weekend--- I pray a "covering" over all who will travel to minister to Sofia that the Lord's face will shine upon you and that all blessing from God will come your way.
I will keep you updated, but for now Sofia is doing well and we next need to concentrate on keeping her healthy as she beings chemo and radiation therapy. So please continue to pray on this matter.
In Him- susan carroll
You may see more at the web site www.coveringsforsofia.com
Thursday, December 2, 2010
God is Faithful December 3, 2010
Dear Family and Friends of Sofia:
Today was a great day. Sofia did not have to have the second operation. We are all praising God for being so faithful to us.
Sofia was very brave today. The Doctor took out the shut that was in place. He had to do this without any numbing because of the nature of the procedure. Sofia said that we will have no idea, never, ever of the pain like she experienced. She said she closed her mouth the best she could, but tears kept falling from her eyes . . . but she goes on and says "But can you imagine the pain our Jesus went through when they put the crown of thorns on him. He could not ask for pain meds to help him out after! He was completely blameless, people were spitting and laughing at Him, but He wore the thorns and loved them and then died for is in so much pain.
Clearly, Sofia has found a place in God where she is learning and understanding that when God says He gave His all, He did and it was for us, in order that we might find LIFE. Today we declare life and love over all who come to this blog. We praise God for the good report and we continue to ask the Lord to hover and cover Sofia in His great love and healing power.
Amen and Amen. In Him- susan carroll
Today was a great day. Sofia did not have to have the second operation. We are all praising God for being so faithful to us.
Sofia was very brave today. The Doctor took out the shut that was in place. He had to do this without any numbing because of the nature of the procedure. Sofia said that we will have no idea, never, ever of the pain like she experienced. She said she closed her mouth the best she could, but tears kept falling from her eyes . . . but she goes on and says "But can you imagine the pain our Jesus went through when they put the crown of thorns on him. He could not ask for pain meds to help him out after! He was completely blameless, people were spitting and laughing at Him, but He wore the thorns and loved them and then died for is in so much pain.
Clearly, Sofia has found a place in God where she is learning and understanding that when God says He gave His all, He did and it was for us, in order that we might find LIFE. Today we declare life and love over all who come to this blog. We praise God for the good report and we continue to ask the Lord to hover and cover Sofia in His great love and healing power.
Amen and Amen. In Him- susan carroll
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Wednesday December 1, 2010 2 1/2 hour MRI
Dear Family and Friends of Sofia:
I just finished speaking with Sofia and have the latest news on her condition. She has not had a headache today, only when she lays down and this is good news. Also the only pain medication she had to take was during the 2 1/2 hour MRI, because they had her flat on her back not moving at all. We will have the results tomorrow.
We still do not know if she will have the second operation. At this point it is schedule to happen and as of midnight Sofia has to stop eating and drinking in case the operation does occur. Keep praying through the night that it is not necessary for the permanent shunt. God is our bulwark and our fortress in Him do we trust!
We had some financial issues that came up today, but Julia was able to speak with one of Sofia's family members and we were able to have this taken care of for Sofia this month-- this was a big relief to Sofia. We pray many blessing to her family for their faithfulness. I and my staff spent time on the phone with Department of Children and Families regarding medicaid issues and we think we have this resolved--so for now this is also good news.
Sofia told me today that the Director of Radiology met with her and her Nero Doctor yesterday. Apparently, Sofia made impression on the Doctor. They said she was a ray of sunshine in the hospital. This person was the ability to make the decision to keep Sofia right in the hospital to do all of her treatment about 3 weeks of radiation and chemo. So it looks like she will be completely covered financially and will have a place to live during this time (right in the hospital)! God is so amazing, although I am not sure why I say that since that is what He does!!!! Constant amazement. This is what is known as a sign, wonder and miracle!!!
Please pray for Sofia's sister Lizzie. Lizzie has come to stay with Sofia for seven days, even though she just recently had surgery herself. She has caught a cold and is feeling bad. Sofia and Lizzie decided Lizzie should not be with Sofia today because of the possibility of the upcoming surgery. So Lord we do ask you to touch Lizzie and to take away the cold, keep her safe and bless her for the unselfish giving of herself during this time to Sofia.
We are still collecting scarves, kerchiefs, other types of head coverings for Sofia and I thank all who have called, sent money, and other things for Sofia. Sofia's work collected and put together a big bag full of special food items, blankets and things Sofia might need during this time. Our thanks to all of you -- may the Lord bless you and keep you in the palm of his hand.
Sofia wrote to me today the following:
Praises to our God always! Lets us rejoice in Him. We are not alone, He will never leave us, never forsake us. He is next to us at all moments. You (Lord) are so good to me. You laid upon the cross, you are my Jesus in heaven. You are beautiful my sweet, sweet Lord. I will sing of you. Like a rose, laying on the ground, You thought of me above all.. Crucified, left behind a stone, you live to die, rejected and alone... but we love you so.
In Him--susan carroll
P.S. I have an open house every year at my law office for the Panama City Christmas parade which will happen this Saturday, December 4, 2010. This is a time to bring your favorite dish, a lawn chair and come and watch the parade with other Christians (and keep warm inside if need be). You are all invited. The address is 304 Harrison Avenue, Panama City, FL- phone 850-795-9005-- I would love to get to know all of you, so please come.
Christmas Parade December 4, 2010 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm (parking in the back around McKenzie house). Remember to bring a lawn chair and something warm to cover up with as it appears like it will be a cold night! Merry Christmas!
I just finished speaking with Sofia and have the latest news on her condition. She has not had a headache today, only when she lays down and this is good news. Also the only pain medication she had to take was during the 2 1/2 hour MRI, because they had her flat on her back not moving at all. We will have the results tomorrow.
We still do not know if she will have the second operation. At this point it is schedule to happen and as of midnight Sofia has to stop eating and drinking in case the operation does occur. Keep praying through the night that it is not necessary for the permanent shunt. God is our bulwark and our fortress in Him do we trust!
We had some financial issues that came up today, but Julia was able to speak with one of Sofia's family members and we were able to have this taken care of for Sofia this month-- this was a big relief to Sofia. We pray many blessing to her family for their faithfulness. I and my staff spent time on the phone with Department of Children and Families regarding medicaid issues and we think we have this resolved--so for now this is also good news.
Sofia told me today that the Director of Radiology met with her and her Nero Doctor yesterday. Apparently, Sofia made impression on the Doctor. They said she was a ray of sunshine in the hospital. This person was the ability to make the decision to keep Sofia right in the hospital to do all of her treatment about 3 weeks of radiation and chemo. So it looks like she will be completely covered financially and will have a place to live during this time (right in the hospital)! God is so amazing, although I am not sure why I say that since that is what He does!!!! Constant amazement. This is what is known as a sign, wonder and miracle!!!
Please pray for Sofia's sister Lizzie. Lizzie has come to stay with Sofia for seven days, even though she just recently had surgery herself. She has caught a cold and is feeling bad. Sofia and Lizzie decided Lizzie should not be with Sofia today because of the possibility of the upcoming surgery. So Lord we do ask you to touch Lizzie and to take away the cold, keep her safe and bless her for the unselfish giving of herself during this time to Sofia.
We are still collecting scarves, kerchiefs, other types of head coverings for Sofia and I thank all who have called, sent money, and other things for Sofia. Sofia's work collected and put together a big bag full of special food items, blankets and things Sofia might need during this time. Our thanks to all of you -- may the Lord bless you and keep you in the palm of his hand.
Sofia wrote to me today the following:
Praises to our God always! Lets us rejoice in Him. We are not alone, He will never leave us, never forsake us. He is next to us at all moments. You (Lord) are so good to me. You laid upon the cross, you are my Jesus in heaven. You are beautiful my sweet, sweet Lord. I will sing of you. Like a rose, laying on the ground, You thought of me above all.. Crucified, left behind a stone, you live to die, rejected and alone... but we love you so.
In Him--susan carroll
P.S. I have an open house every year at my law office for the Panama City Christmas parade which will happen this Saturday, December 4, 2010. This is a time to bring your favorite dish, a lawn chair and come and watch the parade with other Christians (and keep warm inside if need be). You are all invited. The address is 304 Harrison Avenue, Panama City, FL- phone 850-795-9005-- I would love to get to know all of you, so please come.
Christmas Parade December 4, 2010 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm (parking in the back around McKenzie house). Remember to bring a lawn chair and something warm to cover up with as it appears like it will be a cold night! Merry Christmas!
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