Dear Family and Friends of Sofia:
Today God is showing his faithfulness in many different ways. Yesterday and today, many of you began to response to the "Coverings for Sofia" ministry. We have receive some beautiful scarves and the children at Eastgate Church where Sofia attends have sent her a card which they all signed. Some the ladies are asking if they could go to Shands on the day Sofia has her second operation and others are calling or emailing to just check in on her. It is an amazing thing to watch the body of Christ in action. I love how each one of us are able to respond by using the gifts God has given to us. Thanks to all for your love and support for Sofia. Don't forget to check out
I spoke with the Doctor today at length and Sofia does have medulloblastoma. The type of medulloblastoma is called desmoplasia which is a less aggressive cancer and responds better to treatment than some of the other forms. Sofia will have to have radiology and chemo treatment for approximately six weeks, everyday or at least 5 times a week. The Doctor said that Sofia looks good and is responding well after the operation and he has no concerns from that aspect. We are still tying to see if she will need a second operation to make the shunt permanent. The Doctor is doing what is called "challenging" her brain to see if it will begin to absorb the fluid.
The Doctor stated that tomorrow, November 31, 2010 is a very important day. She will have a full MRI scan to see if the medulloblastoma is in her spinal cord. They are also going to shut the temporary shunt off for the day to see how it goes. If she does not get a bad headache, and does not show any other troubling signs such as a personalty change then it will mean she is absorbing the fluid and the second operation will not be need. PLEASE PRAY that Sofia will NOT need the second operation.
If all goes well tomorrow then Sofia is looking at coming home to Panama City,FL on either Sunday or Monday-- this would be wonderful. We still do not know what type of care she will need when she comes home so we will keep you updated on that. The Doctor said that she should start the follow up treatment within a week or two so that would mean that Sofia would need to go back to Shands to have that done. We are working on funding for this so please pray pray pray that all falls into place so that Sofia can receive the best care she can get.
Sofia told me today that she had met some other girls who have cancer and that this is changing the way she sees things she said, "Mama, I want to do so much for the Lord, He is at work with all of us, all worship and praises to Him!"
In Him-susan carroll
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
New Web Site for Coverings for Sofia

Dear Friends and Family:
Today, Sunday, 11/28/10, is the Day the Lord has made, may all rejoice and be glad in it! Sofia had a CAT scan today and more testing. They are seeing how her brain looks as the swelling goes down. They are also looking at what is left of the tumor. Sofia is tired after the testing, but when I spoke with her and Theresa, she seem of good spirits. (I had to come back to Panama City, but I have the nurse's number and Doctor's number to keep up with and if needed to get an hour by hour update to share with all of you).
She had a wonderful surprise today as I understand her church, Eastgate, was online this morning waiving to her and praying over her during the service. This electronic age is amazing that the "touch" can be done from around the world. Thanks to all those at Eastgate for your faithfulness in walking your talk!
Sofia's sister Lizzie is to come into day to spend the next 5 days with Sofia. Many blessings to Theresa who gave of herself to come over the Thanksgiving Holidays and minister to her "sister in the Lord.' When someone is in ICU there is constant movement as the nurses check in and do testing about every hour as they monitor Sofia. This keeps the caregiver moving all the time. Sofia cannot even reach for the water next to her without it causing pain, so it is very helpful to have someone there to minister to her. Theresa said she was able to get Sofia to eat some steak and broccoli today, so things are looking good.
Many blessings to Theresa and Lizzie. Also, from Sofia's church Sue Hey is going to be with Sofia as of Monday for a few days. Sue has experience through her own personal life with ICU's and this is a blessing for Sofia to have such good care. Blessings and strength to Theresa, Lizzie and Sue.
I have developed a web site (I hope it is running!) in order to set up a way for you to give to Sofia with ease. I have set (in process actually) of setting up a donation button for anyone who can help Sofia out financially. I know this will be a blessing both to you and to Sofia. (and her God Mama!). While I have a professional web site for my business, I have never before personally set one up, so anyone who has any suggestions please let me know and I will add to the site.
I have heard that all are excited about "Coverings for Sofia" and I have a sense of excitement about what the Lord will do through this for Sofia, those that give and those she touches.
Keep praying, keep trusting and most of all keep loving the Lord for He is worthy to be praised. He alone has Sofia in the palm of His hand and He is our breath and life. Amen.
Blessing this day to all of you --
In Him- susan carroll
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Coverings for Sofia

Dear Family and Friends of Sofia:
Today, Saturday, November 27, 2010, Sofia is doing well. She is still sleeping a lot and is still having a lot of pain, however, it does seem to be getting better. She is eating a little more and in general is doing great. Praise God Theresa is here. She came in last night and will stay until tomorrow when Sofia's sister is to come in. After that Sue Hey will come for a few days. God is covering all bases. I will be leaving today, however, I will still be posting and will keep you updated as I will be in contact with the Doctor and the ICU nurses.
This looks like we will be in for follow-up treatment as we walk step by step through the radiation and chemo treatments. Until Monday we do not exactly know what we are actually dealing with, but we do know it will require treatment. Sofia will have the permanent shunt operation next week and after that will work with the onocology specialist. That is all we know at this time.
More likely than not Sofia will be here for a while. This means that she will not be working. I know that many of you want to do something for Sofia, however, you just are not sure what to do.
I asked the Lord to show me how to proceed and I believe we are to start a "Covering for Sofia" ministry. Because she has had to shave her head, she needs some "covering." She also needs to be "covered" in prayer and she needs to be "covered" financially.
I have discussed this with Sofia and she will allow me to ask you do help me with this.
I would like to have a new kerchief or other head covering for Sofia to wear everyday.
You will pick out a Kerchief or other head covering to give to Sofia. If you feel like you can you may put a donation within the folds of the kerchief to help Sofia financially.
This ministry is based upon Acts 19:11-12
God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him where taken to the sick and their illnesses were cured and evil spirits left them.
You will pray over the kerchiefs, we will pray them and then Sofia will wear it and pray over it too.
Each day Sofia will wear a new kerchief because each day she will give the one she is wearing to someone else in need. This way the Lord will be glorified in all things.
I believe that Sofia has a strong gift of evangelism and this will be one of the ways the Lord will use her. As she touches people you will be touching people too. What a blessing.
So please go and find the perfect head covering for Sofia and you may either send it to me at
Susan Carroll, 304 Harrison Avenue, Panama City, FL 32401 or bring it to my office (same address) and I will collect them to give to her. My office phone number is 850-785-9005 (this is my law office and everyone there loves Sofia and will be able to help you.)
Susan Carroll, 304 Harrison Avenue, Panama City, FL 32401 or bring it to my office (same address) and I will collect them to give to her. My office phone number is 850-785-9005 (this is my law office and everyone there loves Sofia and will be able to help you.)
We will be setting up a bank account for her so that you may give her a donation as time goes on. I will keep you posted on the name of the bank and how you can make a deposit.
As you can see from the picture above we have already started Sofia's new ministry and I would love to have a different head covering for her each and everyday of the coming year. Call your friends and let everyone know to do this and we will seek to "cover" the whole world with Sofia's coverings for the Lord.
Many Blessings to all In Him- susan carroll
P.S. Please post "Coverings for Sofia" this to your FB page or Twitter and let's go viral with it! Blessings in the name of the Lord.
Suggested post:
"Coverings for Sofia" a young woman who has a brain tumor needs head coverings. We are standing on Acts19:11-12. You may send her a kerchief, pray over it and we will pray. Sofia will wear one a day, pray over it and give it to someone each day- we will cover the world in prayer. Send to 304 Harrison Avenue, Panama City, FL 32401. Refer them to her blog @
Friday, November 26, 2010
Doctor's Visit Friday Afternoon about 2:45 p.m.
Dear Family and Friends:
Well, Sofia has been sleeping most of the day. She is eating some and drinking a little more today than yesterday. So that is good. She is still in much pain and it hurts her to move too much. Some of you have called to talk with her, however, this is really too much for her to focus on a phone conversation. She is talking well to me and those here, but it takes effort. I would think that by Monday or Tuesday she may be ready to talk, but we will wait and see.
When we came here, the tumor had grown to a size that it had closed down some of the flow of the fluid in her brain. The major reason initially for the surgery was to unblock the obstruction and allow the fluid to flow. The back up of fluid caused her brain to be "squashed" (this is not a medical term, but something I made up :) ) within her brain and was swelling the brain area. with too much pressure. The Doctor had to go in and place what is called a shunt, which is something like a drain hose, into her brain to drain the fluid into a bag outside her body. Normally the body absorbs the fluid, but since there was an obstruction to the flow there was no absorption. The shunt acts in a manner of draining the fluid out of her body. At this time she is still putting out a lot of fluid which means that there is still obstruction in her brain that could not be removed by the operation.
Now there is more flow, but still little absorption. Since I am not a doctor I am not sure I really have this exactly right, although I believe I am fairly close. Since she is still draining so much fluid it appears like she will have to have a second operation. The second operation would be to place the shunt within her going from her brain into her belly for elimination of the fluid. This will mean going in where the shunt is currently and opening that part of the brain up a little more and then a small incision behind her ear with a small tube about the size of a spaghetti noodle running right under her skin and then a third incision into her belly.
Normally when someone has this done, it is only an overnight stay. In Sofia's case, since she has just had the tumor removal, they will keep her a few days after that operation. We still do not know exactly what we are dealing with until Monday. On Monday we will have another CAT scan and receive the lab results.
It appears like Sofia will remain in the hospital at least until next Friday or even till Monday week, depending on how everything goes.
The Doctor said he actually had the lead Doctor (the head of oncology) that will take over Sofia's case at his house for Thanksgiving dinner yesterday and they discussed Sofia's case, however, they do not want to make any decisions until we are absolutely positive as to what we are dealing with.
At this point Sofia is actually presenting very well, with NO complications from the brain surgery itself which in and of itself is a blessing and much Thanks to God for this.
Sofia will remain in ICU the whole time, so it is not possible for her to receive any flowers. I will be leaving tomorrow and her friend Teresa will be here for a day. Then Sofia's sister Lizzie will come for a while. I do not know how long she will be able to stay. We will all continue reading any comments and thoughts you may post to Sofia here at this blog.
My great Thanks to God our Father for His precious love to us and His touch upon our lives.
In Him- susan carroll
Well, Sofia has been sleeping most of the day. She is eating some and drinking a little more today than yesterday. So that is good. She is still in much pain and it hurts her to move too much. Some of you have called to talk with her, however, this is really too much for her to focus on a phone conversation. She is talking well to me and those here, but it takes effort. I would think that by Monday or Tuesday she may be ready to talk, but we will wait and see.
When we came here, the tumor had grown to a size that it had closed down some of the flow of the fluid in her brain. The major reason initially for the surgery was to unblock the obstruction and allow the fluid to flow. The back up of fluid caused her brain to be "squashed" (this is not a medical term, but something I made up :) ) within her brain and was swelling the brain area. with too much pressure. The Doctor had to go in and place what is called a shunt, which is something like a drain hose, into her brain to drain the fluid into a bag outside her body. Normally the body absorbs the fluid, but since there was an obstruction to the flow there was no absorption. The shunt acts in a manner of draining the fluid out of her body. At this time she is still putting out a lot of fluid which means that there is still obstruction in her brain that could not be removed by the operation.
Now there is more flow, but still little absorption. Since I am not a doctor I am not sure I really have this exactly right, although I believe I am fairly close. Since she is still draining so much fluid it appears like she will have to have a second operation. The second operation would be to place the shunt within her going from her brain into her belly for elimination of the fluid. This will mean going in where the shunt is currently and opening that part of the brain up a little more and then a small incision behind her ear with a small tube about the size of a spaghetti noodle running right under her skin and then a third incision into her belly.
Normally when someone has this done, it is only an overnight stay. In Sofia's case, since she has just had the tumor removal, they will keep her a few days after that operation. We still do not know exactly what we are dealing with until Monday. On Monday we will have another CAT scan and receive the lab results.
It appears like Sofia will remain in the hospital at least until next Friday or even till Monday week, depending on how everything goes.
The Doctor said he actually had the lead Doctor (the head of oncology) that will take over Sofia's case at his house for Thanksgiving dinner yesterday and they discussed Sofia's case, however, they do not want to make any decisions until we are absolutely positive as to what we are dealing with.
At this point Sofia is actually presenting very well, with NO complications from the brain surgery itself which in and of itself is a blessing and much Thanks to God for this.
Sofia will remain in ICU the whole time, so it is not possible for her to receive any flowers. I will be leaving tomorrow and her friend Teresa will be here for a day. Then Sofia's sister Lizzie will come for a while. I do not know how long she will be able to stay. We will all continue reading any comments and thoughts you may post to Sofia here at this blog.
My great Thanks to God our Father for His precious love to us and His touch upon our lives.
In Him- susan carroll
Friday Morning Update 11/26/10
Good Morning from Sofia and Susan:
Sofia is doing well. She was able to get some sleep. It is difficult when nurses and doctors keep coming in all night long, but we made it through. Early this morning we were able to give her a sponge bath which she said felt really good. She is not eating well, the medications make her nauseous. All day yesterday she only would eat one small pudding and one serving of yogurt. Also she is not drinking enough. It is hard because she is taking so much medication. But she really needs the medications because the pain is still very intense.
Nevertheless, overall, the Doctors are happy with her progress. The swelling in her head is going down. When she first came out of the surgery her head looked like a round balloon, but now most of the swelling has gone down. The Doctors had to completely shave her head and she actually looks beautiful. Most of us would look pretty bad with bumps and other strange things on our head and kinda pasty, but not Sofia, as always she is very beautiful. One of the nurses said she looks like Demi Moore in the movie where she shaved her head!
On an emotional level she is OK. The question she asked me last night was "What do you think God has for me?" We were able to discuss this at length. We all know that God did not cause this to happen, but God is always there in our times of trouble and He loves loves loves all of us. This is a time when Sofia will become more intimate with God. She will seek him during the day hours and the night hours. She will come to know His very touch, presence and character as she has never known Him before. This is a great joy. Many times we forget to seek God during our busy lives, it is not until there is an actual time of trouble that many of us only then turn to Him. The joy of the Lord is our strength and I am praying that as Sofia become more and more intimate with the Lord, she understands the Lord's joy and that she then has the strength to walk through this holding His hand and kissing His face. Where the presence of the Lord is all things come into complete alignment according to His will.
Maybe all of you could pray and ask God to give you some wisdom that you might like to share with her during this time. Later today I will read your comments to her. She will enjoy hearing how the Lord plans on keeping her on her destiny path.
Many blessing to all of you and thank you so much for your prayers.
Sofia is doing well. She was able to get some sleep. It is difficult when nurses and doctors keep coming in all night long, but we made it through. Early this morning we were able to give her a sponge bath which she said felt really good. She is not eating well, the medications make her nauseous. All day yesterday she only would eat one small pudding and one serving of yogurt. Also she is not drinking enough. It is hard because she is taking so much medication. But she really needs the medications because the pain is still very intense.
Nevertheless, overall, the Doctors are happy with her progress. The swelling in her head is going down. When she first came out of the surgery her head looked like a round balloon, but now most of the swelling has gone down. The Doctors had to completely shave her head and she actually looks beautiful. Most of us would look pretty bad with bumps and other strange things on our head and kinda pasty, but not Sofia, as always she is very beautiful. One of the nurses said she looks like Demi Moore in the movie where she shaved her head!
On an emotional level she is OK. The question she asked me last night was "What do you think God has for me?" We were able to discuss this at length. We all know that God did not cause this to happen, but God is always there in our times of trouble and He loves loves loves all of us. This is a time when Sofia will become more intimate with God. She will seek him during the day hours and the night hours. She will come to know His very touch, presence and character as she has never known Him before. This is a great joy. Many times we forget to seek God during our busy lives, it is not until there is an actual time of trouble that many of us only then turn to Him. The joy of the Lord is our strength and I am praying that as Sofia become more and more intimate with the Lord, she understands the Lord's joy and that she then has the strength to walk through this holding His hand and kissing His face. Where the presence of the Lord is all things come into complete alignment according to His will.
Maybe all of you could pray and ask God to give you some wisdom that you might like to share with her during this time. Later today I will read your comments to her. She will enjoy hearing how the Lord plans on keeping her on her destiny path.
Many blessing to all of you and thank you so much for your prayers.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thanksgiving Day Update on Sofia
Dear Friends and Family of Dearest Sweetest Sofia:
This is Sofia's God Mama writing this post for Sofia. We are grateful to God that she came through the surgery very well. The surgery took about 4 1/2 hours. They were able to take most of the tumor out without causing any injury to her brain. They also placed a shunt in to drain the fluid off of her brain. The Doctor stated that more likely than not they will go in and make the shunt permanent. Which means another overnight operation. This will not be done until later.
The area I would like to ask all of you to cover Sofia in is prayer. The tumour was not benign. At this point the pathology report will not come back until sometime on Monday. The tumor was not what the Doctors believed it to be. It came as a complete surprise to them. A year ago the whole Nero team had looked at her MRI's and all concurred at that time that it was a benign tumour. They did not even expect it to grow. During the last year it did grow and that was initially why we presented here for this operation because Sofia needed a follow-up and because Sofia was having bad headaches.
The Doctor believes it may be Medulloblastoma which is only ever found in the brain and then usually only in small children or it may be some type of lymphoma which can appear anywhere in the body.
Sofia has been made aware of the situation. At this time we will proceed as we originally planned and Sofia will be in the hospital until sometime next week. I think she will be in ICU until Monday because they usually do not move patients who have drains in their brains down to the floor until later. This may change and I will keep you posted.
Sofia has already stood up and moved around which is wonderful. She is quickly regaining her strength. The main issue is that they had to cut the main muscles in her neck and they must heal. This makes her neck lack strength, like a newborn, it is difficult for her to pick up her head.
I would ask that all remember Psalm 24:1 The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness of it, the world and they who dwell in it. So we say over Sofia- you are the Lord's and we cast down the enemy of the Lord, commanding this tumor to be healed in the Name of Jesus.
This is Sofia's God Mama writing this post for Sofia. We are grateful to God that she came through the surgery very well. The surgery took about 4 1/2 hours. They were able to take most of the tumor out without causing any injury to her brain. They also placed a shunt in to drain the fluid off of her brain. The Doctor stated that more likely than not they will go in and make the shunt permanent. Which means another overnight operation. This will not be done until later.
The area I would like to ask all of you to cover Sofia in is prayer. The tumour was not benign. At this point the pathology report will not come back until sometime on Monday. The tumor was not what the Doctors believed it to be. It came as a complete surprise to them. A year ago the whole Nero team had looked at her MRI's and all concurred at that time that it was a benign tumour. They did not even expect it to grow. During the last year it did grow and that was initially why we presented here for this operation because Sofia needed a follow-up and because Sofia was having bad headaches.
The Doctor believes it may be Medulloblastoma which is only ever found in the brain and then usually only in small children or it may be some type of lymphoma which can appear anywhere in the body.
Sofia has been made aware of the situation. At this time we will proceed as we originally planned and Sofia will be in the hospital until sometime next week. I think she will be in ICU until Monday because they usually do not move patients who have drains in their brains down to the floor until later. This may change and I will keep you posted.
Sofia has already stood up and moved around which is wonderful. She is quickly regaining her strength. The main issue is that they had to cut the main muscles in her neck and they must heal. This makes her neck lack strength, like a newborn, it is difficult for her to pick up her head.
I would ask that all remember Psalm 24:1 The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness of it, the world and they who dwell in it. So we say over Sofia- you are the Lord's and we cast down the enemy of the Lord, commanding this tumor to be healed in the Name of Jesus.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Waiting at Shands 11/24/10
This is Susan at Shands with Sofia @ 6:20 p.m.-- she did not go into surgery until about 2:30 p.m. and Doc said it would take about 5 to 6 hours-- still waiting--keep praying! Blessings to all and especially to Sofia!
Shands 11-24
"I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his spirit in your inner being so that Christ may dwell in ur hearts through faith. And I pray that you being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knoledge-that you may be filled to measure of all the fulness of God.
Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according his power that is at within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. " Ephesians 3:16-21
Here I am waiting, next to me mama Susan, she poor thing is sleeping, she has drove all night to get here at the hotel on time and drive me here 6am.
I am ok, at peace with my good Lord, knowing He is in control, and something good is coming out of this, is difficult to understand how can something good come out of this? even if I go to a better life? YES!!!! God has plans for all of us and all situations and through all things... I could be mad, but I am not, I think this is a blessing and the Lord is turning my eyes into the right way. He has blessed me showing me how much he loves me and cares for me, bringing brothers and sisters in Christ, showing that yes His body, hands and feet are here in earth to help us when we need Him.
Thank you to all of your for your prayers and blessings, I love you all....
Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according his power that is at within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. " Ephesians 3:16-21
Here I am waiting, next to me mama Susan, she poor thing is sleeping, she has drove all night to get here at the hotel on time and drive me here 6am.
I am ok, at peace with my good Lord, knowing He is in control, and something good is coming out of this, is difficult to understand how can something good come out of this? even if I go to a better life? YES!!!! God has plans for all of us and all situations and through all things... I could be mad, but I am not, I think this is a blessing and the Lord is turning my eyes into the right way. He has blessed me showing me how much he loves me and cares for me, bringing brothers and sisters in Christ, showing that yes His body, hands and feet are here in earth to help us when we need Him.
Thank you to all of your for your prayers and blessings, I love you all....
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Acts 20:24 "But none of this things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my raise with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God"
My friends, yes, once again here I am on my way to Shands, things turned for the bad, brain mass grew double the size, filled my head with water (u cant notice, except that i am in a huge amount of pain, lose balance, etc) so went to the dc in Shands, run another MRI and they gave me a choice...risky surgery in less than a week, or let it go and drop dead in less than 3 weeks....talked to a lot of spiritual friends (leaders) and what I saw was that life if a gift of God, Bethany i s my world mission now, there are many other things to do in this earth that just working, studying, etc.... so I chose life, I am gonna take the risk, have surgery on Wednesday.
My good friend Susan (mama in Christ) is gonna be watching over me and updating my blog on my status so that u guys know how I am doing.
I am hoping for the best, trusting God, my race is not finish yet and the Lord keeps teaching more and more (thank you Jesus) Surgery should be all taking care of in 7 days, if I need a 2nd one 1 more week, rehab 6 to 8 weeks.
God has blessed me with amazing friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, with a mama here in the states that only the bond of Christ was able to weave. Christ is extending his hands to me through his people, church and people...I have more brothers and sister than I ever had before! =)
I am at peace, Bethany will be staying with his dad and taking care of, and I know my girlfriends from church will keep an eye on her, visiting and loving her.
I went home with this plant that took me a while to put back to shape, then when leaves came out I dropped my back pack on the top....the leaves broke all the way from the roots...there was no hope.... wrong... i left the plant alone and amazingly enough more baby leaves came out of the broken roots...sometimes God has to prune us so that we can bear much fruit.
Love you all!, keep me and Bethany in prayer
My friends, yes, once again here I am on my way to Shands, things turned for the bad, brain mass grew double the size, filled my head with water (u cant notice, except that i am in a huge amount of pain, lose balance, etc) so went to the dc in Shands, run another MRI and they gave me a choice...risky surgery in less than a week, or let it go and drop dead in less than 3 weeks....talked to a lot of spiritual friends (leaders) and what I saw was that life if a gift of God, Bethany i s my world mission now, there are many other things to do in this earth that just working, studying, etc.... so I chose life, I am gonna take the risk, have surgery on Wednesday.
My good friend Susan (mama in Christ) is gonna be watching over me and updating my blog on my status so that u guys know how I am doing.
I am hoping for the best, trusting God, my race is not finish yet and the Lord keeps teaching more and more (thank you Jesus) Surgery should be all taking care of in 7 days, if I need a 2nd one 1 more week, rehab 6 to 8 weeks.
God has blessed me with amazing friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, with a mama here in the states that only the bond of Christ was able to weave. Christ is extending his hands to me through his people, church and people...I have more brothers and sister than I ever had before! =)
I am at peace, Bethany will be staying with his dad and taking care of, and I know my girlfriends from church will keep an eye on her, visiting and loving her.
I went home with this plant that took me a while to put back to shape, then when leaves came out I dropped my back pack on the top....the leaves broke all the way from the roots...there was no hope.... wrong... i left the plant alone and amazingly enough more baby leaves came out of the broken roots...sometimes God has to prune us so that we can bear much fruit.
Love you all!, keep me and Bethany in prayer
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