John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Coverings for Sofia

Dear Family and Friends of Sofia:
Today, Saturday, November 27, 2010, Sofia is doing well. She is still sleeping a lot and is still having a lot of pain, however, it does seem to be getting better. She is eating a little more and in general is doing great. Praise God Theresa is here. She came in last night and will stay until tomorrow when Sofia's sister is to come in. After that Sue Hey will come for a few days. God is covering all bases. I will be leaving today, however, I will still be posting and will keep you updated as I will be in contact with the Doctor and the ICU nurses.
This looks like we will be in for follow-up treatment as we walk step by step through the radiation and chemo treatments. Until Monday we do not exactly know what we are actually dealing with, but we do know it will require treatment. Sofia will have the permanent shunt operation next week and after that will work with the onocology specialist. That is all we know at this time.
More likely than not Sofia will be here for a while. This means that she will not be working. I know that many of you want to do something for Sofia, however, you just are not sure what to do.
I asked the Lord to show me how to proceed and I believe we are to start a "Covering for Sofia" ministry. Because she has had to shave her head, she needs some "covering." She also needs to be "covered" in prayer and she needs to be "covered" financially.
I have discussed this with Sofia and she will allow me to ask you do help me with this.
I would like to have a new kerchief or other head covering for Sofia to wear everyday.
You will pick out a Kerchief or other head covering to give to Sofia. If you feel like you can you may put a donation within the folds of the kerchief to help Sofia financially.
This ministry is based upon Acts 19:11-12
God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him where taken to the sick and their illnesses were cured and evil spirits left them.
You will pray over the kerchiefs, we will pray them and then Sofia will wear it and pray over it too.
Each day Sofia will wear a new kerchief because each day she will give the one she is wearing to someone else in need. This way the Lord will be glorified in all things.
I believe that Sofia has a strong gift of evangelism and this will be one of the ways the Lord will use her. As she touches people you will be touching people too. What a blessing.
So please go and find the perfect head covering for Sofia and you may either send it to me at
Susan Carroll, 304 Harrison Avenue, Panama City, FL 32401 or bring it to my office (same address) and I will collect them to give to her. My office phone number is 850-785-9005 (this is my law office and everyone there loves Sofia and will be able to help you.)
We will be setting up a bank account for her so that you may give her a donation as time goes on. I will keep you posted on the name of the bank and how you can make a deposit.
As you can see from the picture above we have already started Sofia's new ministry and I would love to have a different head covering for her each and everyday of the coming year. Call your friends and let everyone know to do this and we will seek to "cover" the whole world with Sofia's coverings for the Lord.
Many Blessings to all In Him- susan carroll
P.S. Please post "Coverings for Sofia" this to your FB page or Twitter and let's go viral with it! Blessings in the name of the Lord.
Suggested post:
"Coverings for Sofia" a young woman who has a brain tumor needs head coverings. We are standing on Acts19:11-12. You may send her a kerchief, pray over it and we will pray. Sofia will wear one a day, pray over it and give it to someone each day- we will cover the world in prayer. Send to 304 Harrison Avenue, Panama City, FL 32401. Refer them to her blog @


  1. Susan ~ thank u again for keeping up updated and informed on Sofia's condition and her needs. The "Coverings for Sofia" is a great idea! I'll be sending out a mass email today to the Eastgater's and I'll add some of your info also with Sofia's blog address. Thank u again~

  2. What a wonderful idea! Sophia is such a wonderful lady. She soo deserves covering ... in any way we can! Bless you Susan - for covering this blog. It is such a help - especially when she's soo far away. Myra

  3. For the record the correct verse would ACTS 19:11 not 10:11
    Hope that clears up any confusion on the reference.

  4. Thanks for the correct verse. I think I got it corrected! They say it takes a village to raise a child, well with me it takes a village to do a post!!! :) thanks for having my back! In Him-svc
