"... Then those who believe in God will be careful to use their lives for doing good". (Titus 3:8)
I forgot to give you an update from last time I wrote, so here it is:
Honduras trip (July 27 - August 10) went wonderful, God protected all of us in our team and the team that came a day after us.
I had the chance to share with the older girls the "Good News" and reassure them how much God loves them, that He will never forget or forsake them, that we are, they are the princesses of Him, we are His baby girls and that He only wants us to accept His open arms and walk with Him.
These girls were amazing, even life and the world sin have damaged their lives (the reason for them to be in the orphanage) they welcome the good news and the word of our Savior (the Bible). I read to them passages, talk to them and I just saw this thirst, these hearts open, wanting to learn more and more about God (what a blessing to me to experience this) I had the time to share and hear some of their awful, sad, sad stories, pray for them and hope I was a good witness to them. I had the privilege to share Christ with them and pray for them.
God was all around, this place belongs to him, you can feel His presence all around. A place with more than 600 children in it (almost like a small city on its own) this place has grown and it has grown beautiful by the grace of God that has supplied everything to keep this kids and maybe more to come.
Honduras is a very, very poor country, we took a bus from Tegucigalpa (the city where the airport is) to Guaimaca (where the orphanage is) about 1 and half hour by bus, it is a huge difference once you get to Emmanuel, it is a blessing for the kids that can find refuge in Emmanuel, God bless the people that work in there and volunteer to keep the place up.
Bethany made good friends with handicap toddlers, I was very proud to see my kid being so king and good to those kids (most people don't wanna deal with them, but they need more love than the other kids). She made friends everywhere and with everyone, kids use to call her "stephanie" at times, but she did not mind. She helped taking care of the toddlers in many instances, she love and play with them. When we came back she asked me "mom, can we go back to the orphanage in Honduras some time?... that spoke tons to me. The Lord blessed me with this mission trip, it is good to be back, but I miss the kids in Emmanuel orphanage, I will keep them in my heart and prayer.
Doctors, ok, I had my MRI and blood work, saw my Oncology Doctor on Thursday on the 19th of this month and he said there are no changes on that growth on the left hemisphere, has not grow or change, still a 3mm growth, but nothing to worry about unless it changes. On the right hemisphere there is no changes either, so everything is good. We will follow other issues like nausea, and vision, but seems these tumors are dormant and nothing to worry unless they show activity. I will have my next MRI in 3 months, we will keep following to make sure no changes happen. My blood is good, my weight is good, I am fine and I boast that my Lord is the one that is next to me giving me health and life to keep going, kicking, and singing aloud to Him praises.
I moved, my new address is close to Bethany's school and stores, I am close to everything!
I have almost finished opening boxes and putting the place together (I still have not found some cooking pans (lol)) I say thanks to God that open this door for me.
Bethany is back to school, she is on 3rd grade now and today was her 1st day of class, she is growing super fast!
Love you all,
ps: a pic of Bethany and a friend she made from the orphanage "Genesis" is her name"
Monday, August 20, 2012
"I have swept away your sins like a big cloud. I have removed your sins like a cloud that disappears into the air. Come back to me because I saved you." Isaiah 44:22
I, go on with salvation messages, I never get tired of them, and I will not get tired of writing about them again and again. To me, salvation has been amazing news, and it is the reason I don't stop talking about it...it is like someone buying a new car and been so happy about it and tells and shows this new car to everyone she/he knows and even people he/she does not know. When something special happens in our lives, we want to share it with others and even more if you know that others can get the same thing you did, that they will enjoy and be happy, specially when it comes for free.
Tomorrow may be too late, today is the day. It is wise to take a decision today, not later, not tomorrow, because we do not know what is gonna happen in the next 5 seconds to follow, our lives are fragile, very fragile; you are here now, today, but you may be gone tomorrow. How many times we have heard about a friend, young and healthy die without any obvious reason? maybe an accident or a heart attack, killed, etc. our lives are fragile, very fragile.
Ask yourself, Where will I go if I have an accident on my way home and die today? (oh Sofia, you are being so dramatic and creepy...no I am not, I am very serious, dead can happen to anyone, at any time, at any age, sick or no sick, anyone. we all face death at some point). Dead is something we will all have to face and you are not an exception, you are a human as anyone else, so ask yourself, What will happen after I die? Where will I go after dying? What if I have to stand before God today? What will I say to Him, What will He say to me?
Even if you don't believe in God, ask yourself, What if He exist? What if all that I heard was true and I ignored it?
Today is the day, not tomorrow, not later on, don't let the "issues" of life make you wait until you are ready, finish, complete, done... "issues in life" could be a sin that you think you don't wanna give up today or can't give up (you are not strong enough), or could be something you want and you are after it and you want to have it and you can't come to Christ because He may not allow you to or may have different plans for you, so... you wanna wait until you reach that "thing" "goal" to think about giving your life to Christ, You fear God will interfere in your plans... the Bible says very clear that God has perfect plans for the ones who love Him. He also says that He loves us so much that gave His only son to die for our sins that whoever believes in Him may not be lost and have eternal life. (John 3:16, ) But demons believe that too and shake with fear (James 2:19), but, if you profess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord , and if you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from death, then you will be saved(Romans 10:9). There is a difference in just believing and having a personal relationship with our sovereign God. For example I believe tables exist, but, do I have a personal relationship w a table? we can believe, but something different is to accept and to give our lives to a sovereign power for our salvation.
I am a sinner, and I need Christ at all moments in my life to keep forgiving me and guiding me. His word tells me He has perfect plans for the ones that love Him, and the one that loves Him obey His commandments and if we sin, He is merciful and kind to forgive us and say I forgive you, I love you.
No matter what you do, He is there to forgive and help.
If you have a "pending issue" that does not allow you to give your life to Christ, then give that issue to Him, He is all powerful and Almighty that He will resolve the "issue" for you, Whatever it is He will give you His strength to overcome it. Don't wait no more, make a decision today, now, He is giving you a chance that is worth more than all the treasure here on earth, tomorrow or later may be too late. we will all get a chance and we will all die and we all will face God one day... what is gonna be your answer when He ask "What have you done with the free gift of eternal life "Jesus" I gave to you? Did you accepted Him in your heart and allowed Him to guide your life or did you choose to go your own way after gods (riches, fame, power, sexual satisfaction) that never satisfied you?
He may say to you "Well done my child, please enter into my kingdom"
"get out of my sight I never knew you".
What would you like Him to say to you? What do you think He will say to you?
It is a choice, it is presented to you today, now, tomorrow may be too late. If you are fill with doubts, pray, talk to Him, challenge Him to show you He exist and that He loves you.
For my brothers and sisters in Christ that are believers this is just a reminder that we are forgiven and that is never a bad idea to rededicate our lives to Jesus (that I do it often). And for my brothers and sisters in Christ that have not dedicated their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ before, ...what are you waiting for? Don't let evil have you hooked by a ring nose and taking you wherever he wants, choose today.
You can say anything you want to Him, this is just an example of what I pray:
Dear Father, I ask you to please forgive me of my sins, wash me clean, come into my life, I want you to be my God, my Savior, my Friend, guide my life from now on, help me with......(whatever you are dealing with)... I do not have the strength to change or fight myself, but you do. your word says that I can do everything with Jesus that gives me strength. I want to be yours now and forever, amen.
Just keep in mind that we have been saved by grace and not deeds so no one could boast (Ephesians 2:8)
We are new creatures in Christ, the old has past. Christ has die once for our past, present and future sins, we will fall many times (He knows) but what makes a difference is that we will repent ask God for forgiveness and we will allow Him to pick us up and hold His hand to keep walking in His path. Let's not stay in the ground crying or fussing, let's repent and hold the hand that is extended to us (Jesus Hand) ready to help us get up and walk with Him.
I hope that you have prayed along with me, whenever we go to heaven I will see you there again.
In Christ's Love
I, go on with salvation messages, I never get tired of them, and I will not get tired of writing about them again and again. To me, salvation has been amazing news, and it is the reason I don't stop talking about it...it is like someone buying a new car and been so happy about it and tells and shows this new car to everyone she/he knows and even people he/she does not know. When something special happens in our lives, we want to share it with others and even more if you know that others can get the same thing you did, that they will enjoy and be happy, specially when it comes for free.
Tomorrow may be too late, today is the day. It is wise to take a decision today, not later, not tomorrow, because we do not know what is gonna happen in the next 5 seconds to follow, our lives are fragile, very fragile; you are here now, today, but you may be gone tomorrow. How many times we have heard about a friend, young and healthy die without any obvious reason? maybe an accident or a heart attack, killed, etc. our lives are fragile, very fragile.
Ask yourself, Where will I go if I have an accident on my way home and die today? (oh Sofia, you are being so dramatic and creepy...no I am not, I am very serious, dead can happen to anyone, at any time, at any age, sick or no sick, anyone. we all face death at some point). Dead is something we will all have to face and you are not an exception, you are a human as anyone else, so ask yourself, What will happen after I die? Where will I go after dying? What if I have to stand before God today? What will I say to Him, What will He say to me?

Even if you don't believe in God, ask yourself, What if He exist? What if all that I heard was true and I ignored it?
Today is the day, not tomorrow, not later on, don't let the "issues" of life make you wait until you are ready, finish, complete, done... "issues in life" could be a sin that you think you don't wanna give up today or can't give up (you are not strong enough), or could be something you want and you are after it and you want to have it and you can't come to Christ because He may not allow you to or may have different plans for you, so... you wanna wait until you reach that "thing" "goal" to think about giving your life to Christ, You fear God will interfere in your plans... the Bible says very clear that God has perfect plans for the ones who love Him. He also says that He loves us so much that gave His only son to die for our sins that whoever believes in Him may not be lost and have eternal life. (John 3:16, ) But demons believe that too and shake with fear (James 2:19), but, if you profess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord , and if you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from death, then you will be saved(Romans 10:9). There is a difference in just believing and having a personal relationship with our sovereign God. For example I believe tables exist, but, do I have a personal relationship w a table? we can believe, but something different is to accept and to give our lives to a sovereign power for our salvation.
I am a sinner, and I need Christ at all moments in my life to keep forgiving me and guiding me. His word tells me He has perfect plans for the ones that love Him, and the one that loves Him obey His commandments and if we sin, He is merciful and kind to forgive us and say I forgive you, I love you.
No matter what you do, He is there to forgive and help.
If you have a "pending issue" that does not allow you to give your life to Christ, then give that issue to Him, He is all powerful and Almighty that He will resolve the "issue" for you, Whatever it is He will give you His strength to overcome it. Don't wait no more, make a decision today, now, He is giving you a chance that is worth more than all the treasure here on earth, tomorrow or later may be too late. we will all get a chance and we will all die and we all will face God one day... what is gonna be your answer when He ask "What have you done with the free gift of eternal life "Jesus" I gave to you? Did you accepted Him in your heart and allowed Him to guide your life or did you choose to go your own way after gods (riches, fame, power, sexual satisfaction) that never satisfied you?
He may say to you "Well done my child, please enter into my kingdom"
"get out of my sight I never knew you".
What would you like Him to say to you? What do you think He will say to you?
It is a choice, it is presented to you today, now, tomorrow may be too late. If you are fill with doubts, pray, talk to Him, challenge Him to show you He exist and that He loves you.
For my brothers and sisters in Christ that are believers this is just a reminder that we are forgiven and that is never a bad idea to rededicate our lives to Jesus (that I do it often). And for my brothers and sisters in Christ that have not dedicated their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ before, ...what are you waiting for? Don't let evil have you hooked by a ring nose and taking you wherever he wants, choose today.
You can say anything you want to Him, this is just an example of what I pray:
Dear Father, I ask you to please forgive me of my sins, wash me clean, come into my life, I want you to be my God, my Savior, my Friend, guide my life from now on, help me with......(whatever you are dealing with)... I do not have the strength to change or fight myself, but you do. your word says that I can do everything with Jesus that gives me strength. I want to be yours now and forever, amen.
Just keep in mind that we have been saved by grace and not deeds so no one could boast (Ephesians 2:8)
We are new creatures in Christ, the old has past. Christ has die once for our past, present and future sins, we will fall many times (He knows) but what makes a difference is that we will repent ask God for forgiveness and we will allow Him to pick us up and hold His hand to keep walking in His path. Let's not stay in the ground crying or fussing, let's repent and hold the hand that is extended to us (Jesus Hand) ready to help us get up and walk with Him.
I hope that you have prayed along with me, whenever we go to heaven I will see you there again.
In Christ's Love
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