No matter how many times we make a mistake He is always there... His arms around us (in my case I feel his love through the love of my sisters and brothers in Christ) my biological family may be far away, but my spiritual family is here, close to me.
Cycle #3 is done! now I am on a period of resting until July26... I am so happy... I felt very sick all the way until today, so here I am writing since I feel better.
I have developed something called neuropathy that hopefully is gonna go away when I finish chemo... my hands shake like the hands of an old lady, i have no strength on my fingers (cant even open a bottle of water) forget about me doing something that takes precision, i am walking like a duck, don't feel my toes and my legs feel as heavy as they could be, I have lost a lot of weight, etc... but,
Have a wonderful week =)
Just saying hello, Sofia. I hope your resting time has been enjoyable.