"Accept God's salvation to be your helmet..." Ephesians 6:17
Many have asked (even my mom), How were you able to face with so much peace the Doctor's news about you having the cancer again and basically no treatment options, but just waiting for death? How were you able to put together your own funeral arrangements? where did you get the strength to do so without falling apart?
My mom even questioned my faith, she told me how little my faith was, that I was working my funeral arrangements, instead of believing in God's healing.
The answer to everyone is very simple: It is not that I have little faith about God's power to heal me, absolutely not! God is able to do anything, to make the impossible, possible, His power can not be doubt; the power of the God I praise and worship. The difference is that I surrendered to His will, either if He takes me home with Him or leaves me here in earth. As I mentioned before in one of my blogs, everyone that I may leave behind will be fine (even my daughter Bethany). Why? because they are children of God as well, and God will be there for them. He will never leave or forget them, He will take good care of my love ones.
What about me? easy: "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain" Philippians 1:21. God has filled my heart with so much peace and joy about it; and my peace comes because I know where I will be going when departing this life... I am going with Jesus!! How am I so sure? How can I boast I will have eternity? Do I think I am righteous and because of my "good deeds" I will go to heaven?
No, absolutely not, I am not righteous, I am a sinner. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". Romans 3:23 / "If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us" 1st John 1:8
Because Christ did not die in vain, He suffered and die in the cross to save me, to save you, to save anyone that believes in Him. Remember the Bible verse on the top of my blog? John 3:16? yes, He came so that we do not perish, but have eternal life! and God is a truthful God, He does not lie. I am so glad that salvation (eternal life) cannot be win by deeds, otherwise I will be domed. "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the Gift of God." Ephesians 2:8
His mercy and grace touches me. I've done so many wrong things in my life, I have hurt people, I have hurt myself, and I have paid the consequences of my own actions; But, how wonderful is to be white as snow (Just because of the blood of Jesus that cleanses me). Just by praying to my Lord, accepting Him as my God, my Savior, my friend, just by asking Him to wash me clean from my sins, and to take and enter my heart to guide me and protect me, telling Him that I wanted to be His then and forever. And "If you profess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord", and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9
Am I without sin now? I do not sin anymore? Of course not, God knows I sin every day and every 10 sec or less I have sinful thoughts, but God helps me see when I am acting wrong ; and I immediately ask for forgiveness and strength to stop sinning. God knew ,way ahead, I was going to fall and sin, but He also knew that I was going to repent from it. God has forgiven me from my past, present and future sins, He gave His life for me.
Am I suppose to keep sinning, because there is always forgiveness? of course not! because I love God I want to obey him and serve Him, and bring Glory to His name in all that I say and do.
"We know that we have come to know Him if we keep His commands. Whoever says, "I know Him", but does not do what He commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person." 1st Jonh 2:4
Keep His commands? What are His commands? Easy, the 10 commandments, all starts there, everything like lying, stealing, lusting, loving other gods before Him, etc. Breaking his commandments (could be as simple as lying) is the same as sinning. One thing is to sin and have remorse about it and repent, doing our best to not fall anymore; and something different is to sin with the knowledge we are breaking God's command (disobeying), maybe feeling remorse at first, but shutting that little voice in us that keeps saying what we are doing does not bring Glory to God, we are disobeying . keep living breaking His command and not repenting about it.
"We know that anyone who is God's child does not continue to sin..." 1st John 5:18
Hope you have enjoyed the reading, we have an awesome God that loves us, and is open to our petitions and questions, we just have to ask Him.
May this Easter be good to remember the perfect sacrifice Jesus did for us, let's share the joy of the resurrection, God bless you all,
Thursday, March 22, 2012
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