"...God gives you his Spirit and works miracles among you because you heard the Good News and believed it". Galatians 3:5
It has been an adventure of emotions for me. First, God answered my prayer about going to my sister Maria Elena's wedding in Gran Rapids, Michigan. Everything went well, and it was wonderful to see my sister again, specially for her wedding! She allowed me to help prepare all the details, decor, and cake decor, I was so excited, almost like celebrating my own wedding (lol). I am attaching a few pictures of the wedding. One of them is with my nephew "Ismael" (my sister's Maria Elena son); this picture is special for me since I saw my sister's womb knowing God was making him, and when he was born, he was so little I was afraid to carry him; and now he is a young man, taller than me! he is a very smart kid, I am proud of him, the best part is that he knows the Lord and is growing knowing about Him.
God answered me another petition, He allowed my mama to get her visa and she finally arrived to the States Nov 22. It is a real blessing to have her here with me, God is good, almighty God, nothing is impossible for Him, nothing. Praises to him always!
About my chemo... I prayed and ask for prayer about what decision to take, if going to Memphis for treatment or not (since seems Memphis is the only place that offers a kind of treatment for me). God gave peace in my heart about the idea of staying here in Panama City and not taking the treatment in Memphis. I based the decision on the duration of treatment (2 years), quality of life during treatment, my daughter. I did not feel at peace taking a medicine that only "could" cure me and last for 2 years. also the idea of not really knowing the side effects except that they may be similar to chemo and/or death. knowing that I won't be able to move my daughter for those 2 years and have her away from me. 2 years is too long for being away from my daughter and a decent quality life... what about if I only have 2 more years left? will I spend the time trying a new medicine (tried only in mice) with possible bad side effects, away from my daughter and friends? sorry, sounds like 2 good years wasted to me.
I've heard about a vitamin C infusion trial in a study in Texas (of short duration), I am gonna research more about it. For now I am spending a wonderful, marvelous time with my mom and friends. Every day is a gift to me.
Today I am going for another MRI and on Tuesday I will see my Oncologist to know about the tumor behavior (if it has grown, how fast is growing, changing shape, etc) that way we will know a little bit more of how I am doing. I truly agree with my doctor, we may be able to see how fast is growing and how big is getting, but it is impossible to predict what is gonna happen next or when... God is the only one who knows; in the mean time I rest in peace in His loving arms, with confidence he has prepared for me what is best in the coming future.
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